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The Office

When Andy started lip syncing whatever Jim was singing in the office to annoy w/e her name is. Lmaooooooo.
The curious case of Angela Martin.

She begins the show by quietly judging Pam and Jan for their "provocative outfits" and carrying a deep disdain for Kelly the more outspoken Kelly becomes. Angela gradually grew in her hatred of Pam, calling her a hussy, the office mattress, and suggesting that Pam had some level of sexual interest in Michael, right in front of Jan.

Fast forward, Angela is revealed to have been fucking Dwight for years, she stops fucking Dwight, starts dating Andy, starts fucking Dwight while dating Andy, keeps fucking Dwight while engaged to Andy, fucks Andy while still fucking Dwight, getting dumped by both and eventually fucking the gay senator... STATE senator who was also fucking Oscar, but not before fucking Dwight and having his baby. She lied about who the father was only long enough to be convinced that Dwight actually wanted to marry her.

That's a messy chick.
This fool Dwight just said he cut his penis on the can lid. Lmaoooooooo
I know that they say women and children first... But we don't employ children because we're not a sweat shop..

And we also believe in equality... So if I had let the women go first I could be in danger of a discrimination suite
The episode when Michael burns his foot on the foreman grill. Then Dwight goes to "save" him but crashes his car. Gets out the car and vomits on the trunk. Only to start driving again. Classic.