Started off great, but started falling apart about half way through. The self awareness was great and the robot assistance and program materialization were cool concepts.
They nerfed the fuck out of Neo and put Trinity on 99, lol. Neo’s claim to fame was holding his hands up to create forcefields.
The stakes seemed so low in this movie and made the first three pointless. What were they even fighting for in this movie? The robots basically left the freed humans alone. The humans that were free didn’t care to free anyone but Neo. Neo only wanted to free Trinity.
I didn’t like the new Smith. He wasn’t intimidating at all. They turned him from this menacing agent into a frat bro.
Morpheus was just a bad imitation of the first Morpheus. May have been intentional, but it could have been done better.
Why was Jada looking like an alien? She was still human so why’d she age like that. No human looks like that when they get old.
The fight choreography was not up to the original trilogy standards at all. I thought at least we’d have cool fight scenes.
There’s more I could complain about but I’ll leave it there.