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The MAGAs favorite show - Roseanne - now under fire for "racist" comment made on Twitter...

I like how they always try to pull the freedom of speech card. Yeah you have the freedom to say whatever you want, but that freedom doesn't protect you from the consequences of what you say.
I like how they always try to pull the freedom of speech card. Yeah you have the freedom to say whatever you want, but that freedom doesn't protect you from the consequences of what you say.

Fam most people are just plain stupid sad to say with all this at our fingertips and the freedom to get it.. people are stupid.. i mean it doesnt even have to get to that point.. People have no fuckin common sense..

Ive seen that freedom of speech bullshit way too much.. no one want to be accountable for shit.. and they want to say whatever they want with no repercussions fuck all of them i hope they all drink the koolaid and die


Whoopi Goldberg Issues Stunning Condemnation of Roseanne For Photoshopped Image

Last night, Roseanne went back to Twitter and continued toā€¦ be herself. That included retweeting a photoshopped image of Whoopi Goldberg.

On The View, Whoopi responded.

ā€œSo this is what Iā€™m going to say, Roseanne,ā€ she said, addressing the camera directly. ā€œJust because you were caught with your pants down, donā€™t try to drag other people down with you.ā€

The screenshot below shows the difference between the original photo and the one that Roseanne retweeted last night.


In the photoshopped image (right), the blurred out portion was a graphic depiction of President Trump shooting himself in the head.

White House: ā€˜No One Is Defendingā€™ What Roseanne Barr Said, Butā€¦

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday called Roseanne Barrā€™s racist tweet ā€œinappropriateā€ and said ā€œno one is defendingā€ the comments before reading a prepared statement calling out media personalities for not apologizing to the White House for attacks on President Donald Trump.

ā€œThe President is simply calling out the media bias, no one is defending what she said,ā€ Sanders said. ā€œThe President is the President of all Americans and heā€™s focused on doing what is best for our country.ā€

In response to news that ABC had cancelled the ā€œRoseanneā€ reboot and called the Obama administration officials whom Barr attacked ā€” Valerie Jarrett ā€” to apologize for Barrā€™s tweet, Trump made the debacle about him.

In a smug tweet, Trump questioned why the CEO of Disney (which owns ABC) had not called him to apologize for all the ā€œHORRIBLEā€ things ABC had said about him.

So is Roseanne the new Michael Richards? Say something racist. Get backlash. Then defend the comments by saying you ain't a racist