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The MAGAs favorite show - Roseanne - now under fire for "racist" comment made on Twitter...

Im sure ALOTTA shit happened behind the scenes for disney to act this quick. Lotta advertisers prolly called to complain. Wouldnt be surprised if all the casts of black ish n fresh off the boat threatened to leave.

Follow the money


Fox News’ Baier, Perino Defend Trump Over Racist Roseanne Tweets: Don’t Think He Had ‘Anything to Do’ With Them

While Roseanne Barr has supported President Donald Trump both on and off-screen, Fox News’ Brett Baier and Dana Perino say he shouldn’t be blamed for her racist rhetoric.

Shortly after ABC cancelled its Roseanne reboot, Perino voiced her defense of Trump in an interview with Baier, responding to a tweet from Washington Post columnist Max Boot stating that the president “is normalizing racism,” which was made in reference to the breaking news about Barr.

However, Perino felt the criticism was unfair, calling it “an unfortunate thing to be tarred with.”

“I don’t think that President Trump had anything to do with this tweet,” Perino said of Barr’s Tuesday racist tweet stating former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett was created by the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes. “But because Roseanne Barr had been supportive him in the past, I think some people are taking it to an extreme suggesting that this has something to do with the president.”

Baier concurred, stating that Barr’s statements should stand on their own.

“Roseanne Barr’s character on the show supported Donald Trump,” Baier told Perino. “Roseanne had said some positive things about Trump, but is Donald trump responsible for that tweet about Valerie Jarrett? I mean, If that’s the standard by which you’re going to look at things, there are a lot of people on the Left and on the Far-Left who’ve said some pretty aggressive things, if Democratic leaders are going to be tied to those statements.”

Baier added that ABC would likely receive praise for cancelling the show.

Barr’s tweetstorm earlier in the day sparked outrage online, after she launched attacks not only of Jarrett but of CNN’s Chris Cillizza, Chelsea Clinton, and George Soros, whom she accused of being a Nazi.

Drawing ire from the public as well as certain individuals associated with the show, ABC chose to abruptly cancel the program.
John Goodman and erruhbody else on the show gotta be PISSED. Rosanne just cost all of them money. Most of them ain't really been working like that so I know them ABC checks was looking good as hell.



