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The MAGAs favorite show - Roseanne - now under fire for "racist" comment made on Twitter...


Shit! Even the country music channel bailed. lol, no more roseanne reruns cuz she compared a black woman to a monkey. Them white ppl gone be pissed. LMAO! Fuck em
i love watching racists fuck their money up. like damn bitch, you’re THAT hateful? you couldn’t help yourself huh?

She thought it was funny.

It shows alot about her tho, if she thinks comparing a black woman to a monkey is funny. In public or in private. Bitch is empty inside, no amount of money can fill that.
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guys I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me. It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible. I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but…don’t defend it please. ty

— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 30, 2018

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I couldn’t watch bc I couldn’t stand her. She came off as an angry, hateful person. She legit takes nothing, but what affects her, seriously, both in and out of that TV show. She is herself at all times. I could see that shit so I didn’t fuck w her show. I didn’t think she was racist, just angry and hateful.
lol. come on bitch! this broad really blaming pills.

this fat bitch talkin bout her pill poppin habit caused her to tweet that racist shit. wow. smh
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All she had to do was not say some wild racist shit on Twitter. Had a hit show return, a platform to make her political points and couldn't keep it cause she just had to compare a black woman to an ape. Famous, white people need to delete their twitter asap. That shit is a career ended.