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THE LOST N*GGAS: Black people as a collective are easily manipulated and led astray.

Niggas are lazy and are always looking for a quick flip. Thats how this constantly happens. If they hear they have to put in effort, or worst of all, have accountability, they instantly stop listening or get defensive.

All you gotta do is start an IG or YT with some catchy name, show of expensive trinkets and tell this you can easily show them how to get this. Then sell them some bullshit seminar. Then call anyone that points out any bad info a hater and say you gunna pull up on them. You can see them all over social media rn getting rich off this.

And its mainly niggas not black people.
Yeah the shit is like taking candy from a baby. It's not all but a tendency that's definitely prevalent.
I'll never understand why so many people who claim to be pro-black love acting like human problems are somehow uniquely black. You see a lot of those afrocentric people make points like that.
Well for one I'm a human being but specifically black lol and 2 if you can't see that there's levels and degrees to shit I don't know what to tell you. This is part of the issue actually. People always want to say "well that's all people" but can't identify things that may plague the black collective more than other people. It's a cop out 💯
Well for one I'm a human being but specifically black lol and 2 if you can't see that there's levels and degrees to shit I don't know what to tell you. This is part of the issue actually. People always want to say "well that's all people" but can't identify things that may plague the black collective more than other people. It's a cop out 💯

The problem is that you don't have any proof that black people are guilty of these things any moreso than anyone else. You're just closer to the black side so you see that stuff more clearly.

Again, Trump turned half the country into a cult. There are people out there voting against their own self interest, violating their own stated principles, and actively trying to destroy things they claim that they love all because they let a known grifter mislead them. Why should I act like we as black people are worse than that?
The problem is that you don't have any proof that black people are guilty of these things any moreso than anyone else. You're just closer to the black side so you see that stuff more clearly.

Again, Trump turned half the country into a cult. There are people out there voting against their own self interest, violating their own stated principles, and actively trying to destroy things they claim that they love all because they let a known grifter mislead them. Why should I act like we as black people are worse than that?
Mane the proof is a thorough comprehension of world history, anthropology, psychology, sociology, esoteric/occult information and direct personal experiences and observation on an objective, unbiased level. The proof is the condition of black people as a collective across the planet and if you can identify the reasons why this is. This shit ain't nothing new. If you can't identify that black people have a heavy inclination to be more spiritually/ emotionally off balance then I don't know what to tell you.
Mane the proof is a thorough comprehension of world history, anthropology, psychology, sociology, esoteric/occult information and direct personal experiences and observation on an objective, unbiased level. The proof is the condition of black people as a collective across the planet and if you can identify the reasons why this is. This shit ain't nothing new. If you can't identify that black people have a heavy inclination to be more spiritually/ emotionally off balance then I don't know what to tell you.

lol And again, if you understand history or any of those -ologies then you know this shit has been happening to all groups for milennia. It's not like white people were able to colonize Africa because Africans were off balance. They colonized because they came with superior manpower.

But hey, if you want to believe that black people are uniquely unhinged despite all the evidence otherwise, go for it.
lol And again, if you understand history or any of those -ologies then you know this shit has been happening to all groups for milennia. It's not like white people were able to colonize Africa because Africans were off balance. They colonized because they came with superior manpower.

But hey, if you want to believe that black people are uniquely unhinged despite all the evidence otherwise, go for it.
Y'all seriously have an issue processing reality for real I swear. They had superior manpower, organization, objective thought, mathematical thinking, root base thinking, aggression, etc. because of what? The shit not even that deep y'all just can't process clearly like I said. Black people were identified as prey on the planet for a reason. The inability to identify and process this is the problem. Y'all dome is gone man. And you have no real evidence to refute what was said other than all human beings do some shit, which is anti intellectual and a weak ass cop out.
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do these type of things exist in countries where it’s hardly any of us there?

I know folks on here love to look toward other countries as a beacon to how things are done.
do these type of things exist in countries where it’s hardly any of us there?

I know folks on here love to look toward other countries as a beacon to how things are done.
To a certain degree I'm sure but honestly to the level that you'd find in large black populated regions, nah. Honest truth.
Y'all seriously have an issue processing reality for real I swear. They had superior manpower, organization, objective thought, mathematical thinking, root base thinking, aggression, etc. because of what? The shit not even that deep y'all just can't process clearly like I said. Black people were identified as prey on the planet for a reason. The inability to identify and process this is the problem. Y'all dome is gone man. And you have no real evidence to refute what was said other than all human beings do some shit, which is anti intellectual and a weak ass cop out.

Bruh, Europeans tried several times to get over on Africa and failed. They didn't succeed until the invention of the gatling gun which was a product of a bunch of shit that had nothing to do with Africans being the shit you're accusing them of. You have a jaded way of looking at history. That what it comes down.

I'm not say Africans were perfect. Some shit was their fault. Trading half the fighting population away as slaves was bad for the continent. Having 100 different languages in each region made it hard from them to unite against a common threat. Choosing to use the Euros for their internal wars knowing that the Euros were untrustworthy was stupid. So yes, Africans had faults and made mistakes, but so did the rest of the world. That's why Southern Asia, the Far East, and the Americas also go fucked over. For goodness sake, the U.S. Indigenous Tribes are almost extinct because they made mistake after mistake dealing with the Euros, and they can continue to get fucked over by this country at comparable rates to us, so again your attempts to make Black people seem uniquely bad is just weird and wrong.

You can criticize your people without trying to exaggerate how bad your people are. That shit is goofy as fuck.
Bruh, Europeans tried several times to get over on Africa and failed. They didn't succeed until the invention of the gatling gun which was a product of a bunch of shit that had nothing to do with Africans being the shit you're accusing them of. You have a jaded way of looking at history. That what it comes down.

I'm not say Africans were perfect. Some shit was their fault. Trading half the fighting population away as slaves was bad for the continent. Having 100 different languages in each region made it hard from them to unite against a common threat. Choosing to use the Euros for their internal wars knowing that the Euros were untrustworthy was stupid. So yes, Africans had faults and made mistakes, but so did the rest of the world. That's why Southern Asia, the Far East, and the Americas also go fucked over. For goodness sake, the U.S. Indigenous Tribes are almost extinct because they made mistake after mistake dealing with the Euros, and they can continue to get fucked over by this country at comparable rates to us, so again your attempts to make Black people seem uniquely bad is just weird and wrong.

You can criticize your people without trying to exaggerate how bad your people are. That shit is goofy as fuck.
What I said is a fact period, was it all doom and gloom? No of course not, but there's a reason black people were viewed as easy to exploit and approached as the prey on the planet as was in the past and what is currently occuring. One major aspect is the internal dysfunction and divisiveness that has its roots prior to a slavery, Willie Lynch or any of that shit. This shits still occuring today my man.

And I'm sure you're not gonna get where this is really coming from in full because y'all too emotional and would be too complex and long winded to explain to be honest. But it's not an innate overall inferiority that I'm speaking towards but a current glaring weakness that has been persisting and has been failed to be addressed. Y'all fools call anybody saying some shit yo ass don't like goofy and shit while y'all operate with your heads in the clouds on some bird brain, air headed shit, it's wild as fuck. There's some truth to that melanin shit believe it or not and it's currently backfiring on our ass cuz it's out of balance. You can keep deluding yourself like the problem is just the same as anyone else on the earth if you want to and remain fucked up and confused 💯.
What I said is a fact period, was it all doom and gloom? No of course not, but there's a reason black people were viewed as easy to exploit and approached as the prey on the planet as was in the past and what is currently occuring. One major aspect is the internal dysfunction and divisiveness that has its roots prior to a slavery, Willie Lynch or any of that shit. This shits still occuring today my man.

And I'm sure you're not gonna get where this is really coming from in full because y'all too emotional and would be too complex and long winded to explain to be honest. But it's not an innate overall inferiority that I'm speaking towards but a current glaring weakness that has been persisting and has been failed to be addressed. Y'all fools call anybody saying some shit yo ass don't like goofy and shit while y'all operate with your heads in the clouds on some bird brain, air headed shit, it's wild as fuck. There's some truth to that melanin shit believe it or not and it's currently backfiring on our ass cuz it's out of balance. You can keep deluding yourself like the problem is just the same as anyone else on the earth if you want to and remain fucked up and confused 💯.

Bruh, you ain't really saying shit. You keep acting like you have some real evidence to back your claims and then failing to post anything of substance instead just falling on the BS copout that we just can't understand it. You're making claims and then basing them on nothing but your feelings and then ironically accusing others of being emotional. lol That's what's goofy.

Like I've said, everything you're accusing black people of is also present for other groups and I've given you modern and historical examples. If you have some actual proof that show that black people are uniquely gullible and easy to trick, then please provide it. If all you got is "It's true I tell ya but you guys are to ignorant to see it hurr hurr hurr," you might as well take your goofy ass on because you have not shown yourself to have any sort of expertise worthy enough for anyone to just take your word on this matter.
Bruh, you ain't really saying shit. You keep acting like you have some real evidence to back your claims and then failing to post anything of substance instead just falling on the BS copout that we just can't understand it. You're making claims and then basing them on nothing but your feelings and then ironically accusing others of being emotional. lol That's what's goofy.

Like I've said, everything you're accusing black people of is also present for other groups and I've given you modern and historical examples. If you have some actual proof that show that black people are uniquely gullible and easy to trick, then please provide it. If all you got is "It's true I tell ya but you guys are to ignorant to see it hurr hurr hurr," you might as well take your goofy ass on because you have not shown yourself to have any sort of expertise worthy enough for anyone to just take your word on this matter.
This shit is retarded as fuck to be frank. My point is beyond just black people being easy to trick or deceive, that's an aspect of what I said. Nothing about what I said is emotionally based at all, you just don't like what's being said.

The proof in what's being said is in the conditions of black people across the planet overall regarding lack of order, foundation, progression and solidarity as a collective. All of these are expressions of being off balance and too right brained in thought. Look at the conditions of black controlled nations in Africa, the Caribbean, the conditions of African Americans with an extreme lack of structure within household with single mothers, mass incarceration, retarded ass youth etc. Talking about proof, lmfao. If you think these things are solely because of the white man and white supremacy you've lost your mind.

Did you peep the BET Awards, lol talking about some proof. You haven't noticed unfortunately how disorganized and chaotic many black businesses are ran relative to those of other collectives? This is just real life shit as well. Look at the corruption that you can find across many black controlled nations across the planet. The white man right ? 🤣

You spoke briefly about the 100s of languages within small region in Africa. This is reflective of the same chaotic, over feminine principle operation Im talking about. Tendencies to be very tribal and divided I nature didn't originate from the white man and Willie Lynch kiddo, not at all. Proof? LMFAO .Is that some for you? Like I said y'all niggas have an issue process reality correctly and deflecting and then have the nerve to wonder why you're fucked up. Ain't much shit "goofier" than that.
This shit here is proving my point by the way. Cuz of course niggas in this thread can't stop trying to deflect accountability by blaming or saying it's "all people" smfh. Woe to the negro 💯
This shit is retarded as fuck to be frank. My point is beyond just black people being easy to trick or deceive, that's an aspect of what I said. Nothing about what I said is emotionally based at all, you just don't like what's being said.

The proof in what's being said is in the conditions of black people across the planet overall regarding lack of order, foundation, progression and solidarity as a collective. All of these are expressions of being off balance and too right brained in thought. Look at the conditions of black controlled nations in Africa, the Caribbean, the conditions of African Americans with an extreme lack of structure within household with single mothers, mass incarceration, retarded ass youth etc. Talking about proof, lmfao. If you think these things are solely because of the white man and white supremacy you've lost your mind.

Did you peep the BET Awards, lol talking about some proof. You haven't noticed unfortunately how disorganized and chaotic many black businesses are ran relative to those of other collectives? This is just real life shit as well. Look at the corruption that you can find across many black controlled nations across the planet. The white man right ? 🤣

You spoke briefly about the 100s of languages within small region in Africa. This is reflective of the same chaotic, over feminine principle operation Im talking about. Tendencies to be very tribal and divided I nature didn't originate from the white man and Willie Lynch kiddo, not at all. Proof? LMFAO .Is that some for you? Like I said y'all niggas have an issue process reality correctly and deflecting and then have the nerve to wonder why you're fucked up. Ain't much shit "goofier" than that.

Man ok break down this left and right brain shit because it has to be more complex than you saying
This shit here is proving my point by the way. Cuz of course niggas in this thread can't stop trying to deflect accountability by blaming or saying it's "all people" smfh. Woe to the negro 💯

Goldie got like three threads saying blacks Fuckin up. Just go in one
Man ok break down this left and right brain shit because it has to be more complex than you saying
It is more complex than what I'm saying. I
was saying it that way to simplify shit.

Left brain is masculine. It operates off of logic, rationality order, technical intelligence, objectivity, mathematical thinking, scientific thought, analysis, critical thinking, etc. It functions essentially as a person's clarity, and foundation within reality. Foundation as in the sense of an architectural structure that of course would require mathematical, scientific thinking in executing a plan to build correctly to give stability to the structure.

Right brain is feminine. It operates off of spirituality, intuition, emotion, creativity, imagination, the internal, intangible, chaos etc. It is a person's freedom of expression so to speak and can "color outside of the lines" but needs control and guidance to be maneuvered correctly. This aspect is key to growth and change and freedom so to speak but needs to be brought back into a form of order and boundaries as when this is off balance and out of check the negative aspects of this polarity can be expressed as you can see within the black collective as I ve been stating. This inclination is because of the melanin to be honest.