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THE LOST N*GGAS: Black people as a collective are easily manipulated and led astray.

I think it's time to stop thinking of Black people "collectively".

That's a losers mentality. Some Black people are lost and cannot be helped. The only thing you can do is say, "you should go to college".

Other than that, there's really nothing you can say or do to another Black youth in his teens or early 20s that's on the road to nowhere.

Everybody wants to be a rapper, but they only have 1 verse. If you know somebody that won't go to college because he wants to be a rapper, but he only has one verse, raise your hand.
I think it's time to stop thinking of Black people "collectively".

That's a losers mentality. Some Black people are lost and cannot be helped. The only thing you can do is say, "you should go to college".

Other than that, there's really nothing you can say or do to another Black youth in his teens or early 20s that's on the road to nowhere.

Everybody wants to be a rapper, but they only have 1 verse. If you know somebody that won't go to college because he wants to be a rapper, but he only has one verse, raise your hand.
I think it's time to stop thinking of Black people "collectively".

That's a losers mentality. Some Black people are lost and cannot be helped. The only thing you can do is say, "you should go to college".

Other than that, there's really nothing you can say or do to another Black youth in his teens or early 20s that's on the road to nowhere.

Everybody wants to be a rapper, but they only have 1 verse. If you know somebody that won't go to college because he wants to be a rapper, but he only has one verse, raise your hand.
Nah man it just takes a large mentality. There's certain trends you can find across all collectives on the planet, black people no exception. The issues I stated can be found significant across black people all across the board. Not ALL, but I already explained that and that should be evident.
You part of the problem anytime a nigga is preaching black empowerment and togetherness it’s always some goofy lame nigga thinking its some scam there’s no real black leaders because niggas who think like you but don’t get me wrong Tariq Nasheed is a scam
You part of the problem anytime a nigga is preaching black empowerment and togetherness it’s always some goofy lame nigga thinking its some scam there’s no real black leaders because niggas who think like you but don’t get me wrong Tariq Nasheed is a scam
For one Negritos like you are the problem because all a nigga has to do is act like he's for the cause and "woke" and you sold hook,line, and sinker. You naive, gullible, and foolish as fuck.

Second of all the fact yo ass looking for a black "leader" out here for real is a problem. Person could legitimately drop knowledge and assist without being your savior my boy.
Bruh you keep on trying to look at the symptoms of the problem as being the root of the issue. What I said is the truth and if you hate and are adverse to the truth you hate yourself by default.

It's only self hate if you have a short sighted historical view. People have certain strengths and weaknesses and things run in cycles. So essentially could you say "inferior" in certain aspects yes. Essentially black people as collective are superior in certain aspects but those things within the cycle of how things move are out of season. You have to adapt with the flow of things "adapt or die" and we've failed to by in large. Just the truth.

Well bruh tell us how to not have emotional thinking cuz I’m lost here
Well bruh tell us how to not have emotional thinking cuz I’m lost here
Nobody telling you to not have emotions fam lol. It's about control and balance and black people overall as a collective not "All" tend to lack that. There's a whole other side of the brain that operates off of objective, mathematical, logical thought that most neglect especially black folk. Look up how the brain operates when both hemispheres in sync.
I think it's time to stop thinking of Black people "collectively".

That's a losers mentality. Some Black people are lost and cannot be helped. The only thing you can do is say, "you should go to college".

Other than that, there's really nothing you can say or do to another Black youth in his teens or early 20s that's on the road to nowhere.

Everybody wants to be a rapper, but they only have 1 verse. If you know somebody that won't go to college because he wants to be a rapper, but he only has one verse, raise your hand.
Dr. Umar been a snakeoil salesman for the longest anybody that follows behind him at this point in the game either been living under a rock or dumb. That also goes for these new wanna be online Sjw's like Shaun King and the lady that start BLM. That chick took all that money she made and bought herself a fucking MANSION!

As black folks we can seriously be are own worst enemy which is why we as a community are probably the easiest to be led astray. This might be somewhat off topic but this video I was watching was just sad. Walmart closed a store in Chicago because it was nothing but constant chaos all the time:

After a quick research there seems to be some misinformation of what happened at this Walmart. It seems it was scheduled to be closed and on its last day it was looted

It's being portrayed that it was closed BECAUSE of the looting which doesn't seem to be the case. I think it was a reaction to them closing the store which made folks wild out and loot it.

If you noticed all places reporting this story is some racist maga shit, be careful and do y'all research man
He does that a lot I see this a lot online and I don’t think it works the way they want it too. Telling us we ain’t shit or we not smart enough as a world collective is crazy
I do this a lot? Huh? I didn't say that we're not "smart" enough as a collective. The point is honestly going over you head though 💯
After a quick research there seems to be some misinformation of what happened at this Walmart. It seems it was scheduled to be closed and on its last day it was looted

It's being portrayed that it was closed BECAUSE of the looting which doesn't seem to be the case. I think it was a reaction to them closing the store which made folks wild out and loot it.

If you noticed all places reporting this story is some racist maga shit, be careful and do y'all research man
Well the black woman in the video said she spoke to someone who worked there that said that theft had been a major issue. I don't know about specific incident in detail but just saying though.
After a quick research there seems to be some misinformation of what happened at this Walmart. It seems it was scheduled to be closed and on its last day it was looted

It's being portrayed that it was closed BECAUSE of the looting which doesn't seem to be the case. I think it was a reaction to them closing the store which made folks wild out and loot it.

If you noticed all places reporting this story is some racist maga shit, be careful and do y'all research man
Not to go off topic, but this is something that has to be done more of. Doing more research will help ease some of the confusion that we have on certain topics.
Every flaw in humanity isn't a black issue.. a lotta that shit just be people in general... But y'all sensationalize it and try to make it a priority under the guise of it being a black community issue

I'll never understand why so many people who claim to be pro-black love acting like human problems are somehow uniquely black. You see a lot of those afrocentric people make points like that.
Niggas are lazy and are always looking for a quick flip. Thats how this constantly happens. If they hear they have to put in effort, or worst of all, have accountability, they instantly stop listening or get defensive.

All you gotta do is start an IG or YT with some catchy name, show of expensive trinkets and tell this you can easily show them how to get this. Then sell them some bullshit seminar. Then call anyone that points out any bad info a hater and say you gunna pull up on them. You can see them all over social media rn getting rich off this.

And its mainly niggas not black people.