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The founder of Cash App stabbed to death

Seen sumn that said they were arguing in the car & it spilled into the street (no pun)

sounds like a lovers quarrel
We'll find out but I'm thinking it was about money in an investment venture that Lee backed out of .

"The neighbor said he met Momeni after Momeni held the door open for him when he first moved to the building, adding that they’ve “been good friends” ever since. He described Momeni, who was originally from Iran and ran his own IT business, as “super sweet,” though Momeni moonlighted as a DJ and “pissed off all the neighbors playing loud music at all hours of the night” and hosting parties. The neighbor said Momeni “seemed really unsettled” last week, and that he had recently been acting strangely. Just three or four days ago, Momeni allegedly approached the neighbor and asked him if he wanted to travel to Colombia. Two days ago, he randomly tried to gift the neighbor an “amazing Eames chair.” According to the neighbor, Momeni indicated that he was expecting a visit from the police, though he cast it as related to a “conflict with some girl.”

The neighbor said he did not know Lee, and speculated that Momeni may have encountered him at a party. He added that he was not altogether surprised that Momeni has been accused of a grisly crime, since he’s a “tough guy, training all the time, super into weapons.” Momeni had a few guns and knives lying around at his bachelor-pad apartment, the neighbor claimed.

Many pointed to Lee's death as proof that crime had grown out of control—but authorities said that claim was not back up by the facts surrounding Lee’s death.

“This is more about human nature, human behavior, than it is about our city,” Scott said. “Most people who commit homicides know the people that they kill, the research shows that. I do understand how people see and view things [about San Francisco], I see it and read it, I live here… but this has nothing to do with San Francisco, this has to do with human nature.”

District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, who replaced Chesa Boudin in a recall vote last year after vowing to be tougher on crime, took particular aim at Twitter boss Elon Musk for spreading misinformation about random crime in San Francisco after Lee’s death.

“As you already heard Mr. Lee was murdered by somebody that he knew,” she said. “While we’re not going to release any additional facts at this time, I must point out that reckless and irresponsible statements like those contained in Mr. Musk’s tweet that assumed incorrect circumstances about Mr. Lee’s death serve to mislead the world and their perceptions of San Francisco and also negatively impact the pursuit of justice for victims of crime as it spreads misinformation at a time when police are trying to solve a very difficult case.”

News is saying he was protecting his sister's honor & no gay stuff was going on between both men

News is saying he was protecting his sister's honor & no gay stuff was going on between both men

Part of me was weirded out that the husband showed up with the sister to the courthouse given what is being insinuated but dude did just snuff the mfer that was piping his wife so I guess he probably did want to show *him* some support.

or he a new, "modern" man and was cool with it.
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Part of me was weirded out that the husband showed up with the sister to the courthouse given what is being insinuated but dude did just snuff the mfer that was piping his wife so I guess he probably did want to show *him* some support.

or he a new, "modern" man and was cool with it.
He's showing support for his brother in law for looking out for him . Those middle eastern dudes don't like their women playing games
I am kinda surprised Nima didn't deal with the sister instead
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