Funny thing about dogecoin, the owners/creators came up with it as a way of making fun of cryptocurrency.

Think about it.

People pronounce it as........."Dozecoin"...............but it could also be prounced

They basically came up with it to illustrate how dogecoin isn't any more or less credible than any other cryptocurrency out there.

Thing is, regardless of how ridiculous it seems...........there's still significant money to be made off of trading crypto.

So, as long as there's money to be made..........people are gonna continue to trade it regardless of whether or not the premise makes sense.
I'm selling 25% at $150... That number will payoff my house and student loan...let the rest ride and do what it do.

If doge gets to $150, we all rich, so im not against it.

But no way doge gets to $150. Its just not that type of coin.

But like I said, ill still have 500 coins ill hold onto
If doge gets to $150, we all rich, so im not against it.

But no way doge gets to $150. Its just not that type of coin.

But like I said, ill still have 500 coins ill hold onto

lol I only have a tiny amount of doge that I mined from way back when I was first trying to learn about crypto. Cant be too mad I never actually copped or mined more cuz I never took it seriously.

It's wild watching this shit go for real tho
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lol I only have a tiny amount of doge that I mined from way back when I was first trying to learn about crypto. Cant be too mad I never actually copped or mined more cuz I never took it seriously.

It's wild watching this shit go for real tho

The shit is a useless coin. Like bitcoin is what it is because it has a limited quantity and was the first. ETH has a use and is very popular.

The coin mfers brought up yesterday, BTT, has a use. Coins that have uses will make money in the long term.

But dogecoin? Its just a bunch of famous rich mfers deciding to hype it up and make money.

Nothing wrong with that. Like I said, I have thousands of dogecoins. Make money where yall can.

But this shit has a ceiling imo and shouldnt be a super long term hold
The shit is a useless coin. Like bitcoin is what it is because it has a limited quantity and was the first. ETH has a use and is very popular.

The coin mfers brought up yesterday, BTT, has a use. Coins that have uses will make money in the long term.

But dogecoin? Its just a bunch of famous rich mfers deciding to hype it up and make money.

Nothing wrong with that. Like I said, I have thousands of dogecoins. Make money where yall can.

But this shit has a ceiling imo and shouldnt be a super long term hold

Word I know theres gotta be devs out there with LEGIT projects lookin at Doge numbers like aint this a bitch!? lol

That's the thing as well... alotta people dumping money into crypto dont know much about what's going on under the hood on these joints.

Theres ALOT of dope shit being developed. Shit changes and iterates so quickly though! Hard for me to keep up sometimes.

I try to do my research and pick the tech/coin/systems I think have the most potential where I can.

Then wait....... lol I hope we all pick right and get paid in a major way. Time will tell
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  • Goat
Reactions: 1/2 and AZTG
The shit is a useless coin. Like bitcoin is what it is because it has a limited quantity and was the first. ETH has a use and is very popular.

The coin mfers brought up yesterday, BTT, has a use. Coins that have uses will make money in the long term.

But dogecoin? Its just a bunch of famous rich mfers deciding to hype it up and make money.

Nothing wrong with that. Like I said, I have thousands of dogecoins. Make money where yall can.

But this shit has a ceiling imo and shouldnt be a super long term hold

Yeah I feel you, but if more companies accept it as payment then the value could go up along with the hype... Hope to see us all win something
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  • Goat
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I got in with doge at 4 cents I fucked up a few weeks back and sold half my coins so now i only have half the value of what I should right now

I currently own

Etherium classic

I bought 2 ETC a few days ago for $100. Now each coin is worth over $100 so I doubled my investment in a day and a half

what else is good
  • Goat
Reactions: deadeye
There is a real active development team behind doge, this not financial advice but facts about doge even though it was made as a joke are, 1. It’s secure, 2. It’s decentralized, 3. Current transactions times are about 1minute, 4. Currently the transaction fee for any amount is one doge (devs are looking into lowering this as the price increases) … so doge is pretty capable and useful internet currency for goods/services/tipping/donations
  • Goat
Reactions: Koltrain
fuck man......this shit is a different level of stressful and exciting at the same time

makes my beard itch

might pull out Lambo, might be homeless

i fuckin love it

It’s not for the meek. You won’t be homeless, tho. Just stressed AF. +25%, -10%, +50%, -25%… lol
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I got in with doge at 4 cents I fucked up a few weeks back and sold half my coins so now i only have half the value of what I should right now

I currently own

Etherium classic

I bought 2 ETC a few days ago for $100. Now each coin is worth over $100 so I doubled my investment in a day and a half

what else is good

How many doge do you have and how many did you have?
There is a real active development team behind doge, this not financial advice but facts about doge even though it was made as a joke are, 1. It’s secure, 2. It’s decentralized, 3. Current transactions times are about 1minute, 4. Currently the transaction fee for any amount is one doge (devs are looking into lowering this as the price increases) … so doge is pretty capable and useful internet currency for goods/services/tipping/donations

How are they active? Their GitHub is a GhostTown. What updates have they released since their chain broke years ago and needed a real coin to step in and save them? How is that secure? Have you looked at their RichList? Is that what you call decentralized?

Yes, it IS a useful currency. Their speed/transaction time beats most. However, a cryptocurrency with no cap on the number produced is an embarrassment to this space. It’s as if the developers said “Let’s do the dumbest fucking thing you can do in crypto, and see how many buy this bullshit”…
If doge gets to $150, we all rich, so im not against it.

But no way doge gets to $150. Its just not that type of coin.

But like I said, ill still have 500 coins ill hold onto
If they stop making DOGE, it will hit $150. They are constantly creating billions. It’s a miracle they even shot up. Imagine if there were burns like BNB or halvenings like BTC. Supply/Demand 101.
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How are they active? Their GitHub is a GhostTown. What updates have they released since their chain broke years ago and needed a real coin to step in and save them? How is that secure? Have you looked at their RichList? Is that what you call decentralized?

Yes, it IS a useful currency. Their speed/transaction time beats most. However, a cryptocurrency with no cap on the number produced is an embarrassment to this space. It’s as if the developers said “Let’s do the dumbest fucking thing you can do in crypto, and see how many buy this bullshit”…
It’s a small team, only updates I’ve seen recently are some network improvements involving upgraded nodes. Also I can’t say that the no cap is bad thing, without knowing how long doge will be around, in theory at somepoint far in the future more dogecoin could be lost than the amount of yearly new inflation. Also I’m not pinning doge to be the most used crypto, could find a certain niche that keeps it hovering around a certain price point and volume.

As for the big wallets, can’t do anything but see what they do. Most likely longtime miners/very early big time buyers. It makes since that they’ll dump, when is anybody’s guess.