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Yeah...he said "You ain't a real n---a if you ain't never took pussy from yo bitch"

This is y'all's kang tho

#coreyholcomb #rapist

Edit: Added video...time stamped

Let's see how "outraged" y'all get about this detestable piece of shit promoting rape like y'all did about Megan saying it's her job to make y'all uncomfortable

There's nothing funny about this shit...promoting rape isn't just jokes

Good morning Scandy,

Ain’t never been my king. The way he talks about women is corny.

he talking like he a thorough dude forgetting he still has fame that comes with privilege. So lady’s movebit different.
Good morning Scandy,

Ain’t never been my king. The way he talks about women is corny.

he talking like he a thorough dude forgetting he still has fame that comes with privilege. So lady’s movebit different.
Good morning Dos,

I wasn't talking about you specifically...but there are way too many dudes just on this site alone, who damn near worship that bitchmade mutherphucker....any and everytime they speak about women, it's bitch this and ho that...just like that sorry POS. The language alone speaks to what they feel about us...that's very concerning and tbh, pretty frightening.

What does the last part of your comment mean?
Good morning Dos,

I wasn't talking about you specifically...but there are way too many dudes just on this site alone, who damn near worship that bitchmade mutherphucker....any and everytime they speak about women, it's bitch this and ho that...just like that sorry POS. The language alone speaks to what they feel about us...that's very concerning and tbh, pretty frightening.

What does the last part of your comment mean?

I think that black men and women both have real critiques for each other that should be heard and discussed. The problem is that the commentaries that are highlighted are usually being made by fools or extremists, so no healthy conversations ever occur.

This shit Corey said wasn't even commentary though. It was just pure ignorance. Even in the 90s when shit was way more lax, it would have been seen as problematic.
Good morning Dos,

I wasn't talking about you specifically...but there are way too many dudes just on this site alone, who damn near worship that bitchmade mutherphucker....any and everytime they speak about women, it's bitch this and ho that...just like that sorry POS. The language alone speaks to what they feel about us...that's very concerning and tbh, pretty frightening.

What does the last part of your comment mean?
The last part means groupies act different to fame. They allow things regular non star struck women would never allow.
I think that black men and women both have real critiques for each other that should be heard and discussed. The problem is that the commentaries that are highlighted are usually being made by fools or extremists, so no healthy conversations ever occur.

This shit Corey said wasn't even commentary though. It was just pure ignorance. Even in the 90s when shit was way more lax, it would have been seen as problematic.
Monk, no offense, but this isn't about "critiques" of Black men and women ...let's just focus on the second part of your comment

If there's anything to discuss, it's the promotion of rape, specifically, against Black women

The way your comment reads, and I may be way off base, it seems as if you're kinda trying to downplay the severity of what he said...chalking it up to some bufoon talking too much and we shouldn't give it too much credence b/c he's a clown
The last part means groupies act different to fame. They allow things regular non star struck women would never allow.
What do groupies have to do with anything?

Por favor...let's not start shifting this conversation to some other shit. This is about what Corey said and the prevailing mindset attached to such problematic ideology being promoted.

This is rape culture on it's face.
Monk, no offense, but this isn't about "critiques" of Black men and women ...let's just focus on the second part of your comment

If there's anything to discuss, it's the promotion of rape, specifically, against Black women

The way your comment reads, and I may be way off base, it seems as if you're kinda trying to downplay the severity of what he said...chalking it up to some bufoon talking too much and we shouldn't give it too much credence b/c he's a clown

Nah, the first part of my post was me making a more general statement about how black men and women do have to have more open dialogue about these internal problems we have with each other. Unfortunately, any attempts to spotlight those conversations are always outshined by people making stupid comments and takes like what Corey is doing.

It seems like we're in this endless cycle of hearing black men and women saying crazy shit in regards to the opposite sex. One day its a chick referring to black men as "bullet bags" with a gaggle of other chicks acting like she was justified for saying that. The next day it's an asshole like Corey promoting intra-relationship rape with a group of niggas kee-keeing along instead of checking him. It's crazy. These people should not have platforms.
What do groupies have to do with anything?

Por favor...let's not start shifting this conversation to some other shit. This is about what Corey said and the prevailing mindset attached to such problematic ideology being promoted.

This is rape culture on it's face.
Oh no. I wasn’t trying to shift blame.

what he said is what he said.
I was more saying he thinks this is ok because he may have groupies

he’s still 100% at fault for his actions no matter what.

hope I cleared that up
Nah, the first part of my post was me making a more general statement about how black men and women do have to have more open dialogue about these internal problems we have with each other. Unfortunately, any attempts to spotlight those conversations are always outshined by people making stupid comments and takes like what Corey is doing.

It seems like we're in this endless cycle of hearing black men and women saying crazy shit in regards to the opposite sex. One day its a chick referring to black men as "bullet bags" with a gaggle of other chicks acting like she was justified for saying that. The next day it's an asshole like Corey promoting intra-relationship rape with a group of niggas kee-keeing along instead of checking him. It's crazy. These people should not have platforms.
Ahhhh...I see. However, I'm not understanding why it was brought into *this* discussion. This isn't an "internal problem" between Black men and women...this is rape culture. It's rape culture being promoted on a global platform. But b/c I'm a Black woman and a Black dude said that shit to an audience full of other, majority Black men, whom I love and date exclusively this type of shit is scary AF and shouldn't be tolerated. Rape culture shouldn't be tolerated period...but I'm Black and WE are most important to me first.

You're right, they shouldn't have platforms...but today, right now, this is ONLY about Corey and his comments. I just feel like that's what we should be concentrating on...not some other shit.

Now what are we gonna do?! Are we just gonna keep pointing at each other and saying "but you had said" or are we going to do our part to get just as loud and shout this sick shit down?

Men listen to other men, good and bad, y'all say you know this shit is wrong and phucked up, you don't condone/support it...then y'all need to do something about it. Where's the smoke?
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Oh no. I wasn’t trying to shift blame.

what he said is what he said.
I was more saying he thinks this is ok because he may have groupies

he’s still 100% at fault for his actions no matter what.

hope I cleared that up
This isn't about *why* he said that shit...it's about what he said and what we're going to do about what he said.

This type of rhetoric cannot continue to be given a platform
This isn't about *why* he said that shit...it's about what he said and what we're going to do about what he said.

This type of rhetoric cannot continue to be given a platform
I understand and hear you and you are right.
More needs to be done about this type stuff coming into the public when people have a following.
Ahhhh...I see. However, I'm not understanding why it was brought into *this* discussion. This isn't an "internal problem" between Black men and women...this is rape culture. It's rape culture being promoted on a global platform. But b/c I'm a Black woman and a Black dude said that shit to an audience full of other, majority Black men, whom I love and date exclusively this type of shit is scary AF and shouldn't be tolerated. Rape culture shouldn't be tolerated period...but I'm Black and WE are most important to me first.

You're right, they shouldn't have platforms...but today, right now, this is ONLY about Corey and his comments. I just feel like that's what we should be concentrating on...not some other shit.

Now what are we gonna do?! Are we just gonna keep pointing at each other and saying but "you had said" or are we going to do our part to get just as loud and shout this sick shit down?

Men listen to other men, good and bad, y'all say you know this shit is wrong and phucked up, you don't condone/support it...then y'all need to do something about it. Where's the smoke?

The rape shit is out of line, period. Everyone should be able to agree with that.

As far as men listening to each other...I don't know. Some do. Some don't. The men that listen to wise council probably aren't making comments like that to begin with. Corey doesn't strike me as someone that listens. One of those dudes in their laughing like that shit was funny should have checked him. That's 100% true. That said, does anyone really believe Corey would have stopped saying what he was saying if that happened? I don't. I think Corey would have quadrupled down. I don't know what you do with people like that other than treat them like lepers and make them pariahs.
The rape shit is out of line, period. Everyone should be able to agree with that.

As far as men listening to each other...I don't know. Some do. Some don't. The men that listen to wise council probably aren't making comments like that to begin with. Corey doesn't strike me as someone that listens. One of those dudes in their laughing like that shit was funny should have checked him. That's 100% true. That said, does anyone really believe Corey would have stopped saying what he was saying if that happened? I don't. I think Corey would have quadrupled down. I don't know what you do with people like that other than treat them like lepers and make them pariahs.
You don't know how to mobilize other Black men? You don't know how to use your voice to say we don't agree with the shit you said and we're gonna do everything we can to make sure you're no longer rewarded or compensated for the phuck shit you've been constantly spewing for years?

Entire movements have been borne out of one person saying I'm not tolerating this shit anymore.

Men do listen to other men and this is bigger than Corey, is my point.
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You don't know how to mobilize other Black men? You don't know how to use your voice to say we don't agree with the shit you said and we're gonna do everything we can to make sure you're no longer rewarded or compensated for the phuck shit you've constantly spewing for years?

Entire movements have been borne out of one person saying I'm not tolerating this shit anymore.

Men do listen to other men and this is bigger than Corey, is my point.

Yes, but now you're talking about preaching to the choir. Can I get a bunch of men together to make a clear statement that rape is wrong? Sure. Will that help anything? That's the part I'm not sure about because I honestly don't think the people that do shit like this care.

When I was in undergrad, we had a habitual line stepper that kicked it with us sometimes. We called him on it. You know what happened? He just stopped hanging out with us and started kicking it with some other niggas. That was better for our group, but it didn't stop him from being a creep and eventually getting in legal trouble over sexual harrassment.

My point is that men do take stands on these issues, but bad guys don't necessarily give a shit. We should still take those stands, but se should also acknowledge that something more might be needed to truly solve this problem.
Yes, but now you're talking about preaching to the choir. Can I get a bunch of men together to make a clear statement that rape is wrong? Sure. Will that help anything? That's the part I'm not sure about because I honestly don't think the people that do shit like this care.

When I was in undergrad, we had a habitual line stepper that kicked it with us sometimes. We called him on it. You know what happened? He just stopped hanging out with us and started kicking it with some other niggas. That was better for our group, but it didn't stop him from being a creep and eventually getting in legal trouble over sexual harrassment.

My point is that men do take stands on these issues, but bad guys don't necessarily give a shit. We should still take those stands, but se should also acknowledge that something more might be needed to truly solve this problem.
Wow...so b/c you're not sure if anything you say or do will get that ONE person to change his mind (which isn't what I'm saying) you do nothing at all?

You're either being willfully obtuse or you really don't understand what I said.

Anyhoo, let's you and I move on from this conversation. 🤝
Wow...so b/c you're not sure if anything you say or do will get that ONE person to change his mind (which isn't what I'm saying) you do nothing at all?

You're either being willfully obtuse or you really don't understand what I said.

Anyhoo, let's you and I move on from this conversation. 🤝

You pretty much said the opposite of my point. I'm not sure why you insist on twisting my words on this topic, but you're right. Let's move on.
You pretty much said the opposite of my point. I'm not sure why you insist on twisting my words on this topic, but you're right. Let's move on.
I can only go by what you wrote, Monk. You may have a different intent, but it wasn't conveyed in your comment.

I could point it out but I just don't have the time nor the energy today.

Make it a great one, fam.
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