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Why da fucc am I still up??

I mean maybe his mother thought he would never wake up and that she saw the kid as a blessing? That's got to be it, right...?

Wow, what a story. I've got to find out what happened to the mother of his kid, that's crazy.

Edit: They are booing a man that got raped and not only that his mom took the BMs side...


That bitch RAPED him...she should be locked tf up!!!

His mama and the rapsit baby mama are beyond disgusting!
Wow, what a story. I've got to find out what happened to the mother of his kid, that's crazy.

Edit: They are booing a man that got raped and not only that his mom took the BMs side...

That's crazy because a flipped scenario kind of happened with that Arizona nurse who is now facing 5-10 years for getting a coma patient pregnant
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