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Yo these drivers do not care. I had a crazy hit and run. Somebody had a dash camera and got it on tape. But I am the black car and the silver car pulls out in front of me. This mf keeps on going.😤😒.

Here are photos of the damage so it wasn't a little bump. View attachment 647246View attachment 647247

Damn. I've had 2 hit and runs when my car was just parked lol one was at college(they can't park apparently) and another was at my house. The house one was in the winter and some dominos delivery guy slid on the road and side swiped my entire driver side. I heard a crunch and looked out the window to see him getting out to check out the damage. I went to put a jacket and shoes on and he gone. Called the dominos in my area and told them to tell him to bring his ass back or I'm calling the police for a hit and run
What’s funny is young me would have totally done that shit. Young me was a tooootal piece of shit fam. I legit cried real tears for a fake brother to get pusssy one time. I legit ghosted a Chick cause she caught a throat infection, was in the hospital, called me on the phone and her horse voice made her sound like a dude. I legit was staying wit a chick and gave her home phone number to a check to call me, cause my dumb ass figured she’d never call when I wasn’t home. I legit stood up to some bullies a girl had in front of her parents, cause I’d knew it’d make them fall in love with me and leave her at home alone with me.

but..I did not do what you are accusing me off. Turns out it was a bladder infection, and my doctor has been overworked due to COVID. He feared underestimating a diagnosis, so he over estimated it, so I ended up getting a bunch of test run,to make absolutely sure what it was. I wasn’t mad that he told me wrong because I understood. Dude when I saw him had massive bags under his eyes and a broken spirit. But I’m good..

but since you brought it up..I neglected to tell y’all that I didn’t fear the death it would bring because I wanted to die, but was to pusssy to commit suicide

U happy now?
Didnt read
Damn. I've had 2 hit and runs when my car was just parked lol one was at college(they can't park apparently) and another was at my house. The house one was in the winter and some dominos delivery guy slid on the road and side swiped my entire driver side. I heard a crunch and looked out the window to see him getting out to check out the damage. I went to put a jacket and shoes on and he gone. Called the dominos in my area and told them to tell him to bring his ass back or I'm calling the police for a hit and run
Crazy people be dipping. But I learned a valuable lesson. In GA uninsured motorist isn't a requirement and my cheap self was like I am going to save money and just get the coverage that I need. Plus I always felt like I was wasting money with car insurance. Not anymore I want all the coverage!
Nah, Star Trek is packed with life lessons about all kinda shit

Riker wit data issues

Data with trying to find the meaning of humanity

Worf dealing with pride and a set of people’s on gangsta shit, and he tryna elevate, but his nature is his nature

Laforge overcoming a handicap to be one of the smartest men in starfleet

Shits about being down for the squad, making the right decisions

Man there was one episode where they had rookies from the lower deck tryna get promotions. One of the was a chick who got the promotion cause of her race..or species or whatever. So she was pose to do an covert ops mission while acting like she was a slave. Worf handpicked and trained her..the captain tested her confidence..they made you feel for the chick..so she passed all the tests, goes on the mission and gets killed..and now Worf had to eat that he sent a young woman to her death.

you ain’t finding stories like that on Starz…bars
Simply riveting analysis sir
Nah, Star Trek is packed with life lessons about all kinda shit

Riker wit data issues

Data with trying to find the meaning of humanity

Worf dealing with pride and a set of people’s on gangsta shit, and he tryna elevate, but his nature is his nature

Laforge overcoming a handicap to be one of the smartest men in starfleet

Shits about being down for the squad, making the right decisions

Man there was one episode where they had rookies from the lower deck tryna get promotions. One of the was a chick who got the promotion cause of her race..or species or whatever. So she was pose to do an covert ops mission while acting like she was a slave. Worf handpicked and trained her..the captain tested her confidence..they made you feel for the chick..so she passed all the tests, goes on the mission and gets killed..and now Worf had to eat that he sent a young woman to her death.

you ain’t finding stories like that on Starz…bars
May need to try and watch this shit🤔🤔🤔
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