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Company thinking about going back to the office 5 days a week. Nah bruh fuck that let's keep it at 2 days a week like it is now. 5 days was severely fuck up my blunt lunches 😐

It's definitely a movement.

CBS did a special on it this weekend on the Saturday Morning show.

One of the people in the segment said that managers just wanna do it to monitor people more and make sure they're not taking too long on their breaks.

Basically wanting to micromanage people.

Really, they're just trying to justify their jobs.

Because if the real higher ups realize that their companies can be just as productive with people working from home, they'll eventually figure out they can save money by cutting some management positions.

So, yeah............middle management is just fighting to save their jobs because they probably see the handwriting on the wall.
He passed y’all he lived a long impactful life though. Just hit 74 it’s not really real to me.

Damn, my condolences to you and your family.

I can't say whether you should take time off or not. I worked through it when my pops passed 'cause that was the only way to keep my mind off of it. I only took time off to go make the arrangements and for each phase of the funeral (viewing, wake, funeral itself) and dropped right back into work.

You may need to take time off, maybe not, just do what you feel is necessary. Grieve for as long as you need, even if it takes years. It took me 17 years before I could even look at my pop's picture without choking up. Might not take you as long, could take you even longer, but that's ok; it's your process to go through and no one else's.

RIP to your pops.
Damn, my condolences to you and your family.

I can't say whether you should take time off or not. I worked through it when my pops passed 'cause that was the only way to keep my mind off of it. I only took time off to go make the arrangements and for each phase of the funeral (viewing, wake, funeral itself) and dropped right back into work.

You may need to take time off, maybe not, just do what you feel is necessary. Grieve for as long as you need, even if it takes years. It took me 17 years before I could even look at my pop's picture without choking up. Might not take you as long, could take you even longer, but that's ok; it's your process to go through and no one else's.

RIP to your pops.
Fam, it will be 5 years this September that my mom passed and it will be some days that I would start thinking about her and I would start to cry. Getting over a loved one's passing doesn't have a time frame. And to people from the outside saying that you should not grieving, you can tell that they never lost someone close to them.
Probably take a few days off just because. All the family for the most part stayed close. Older brothers coming from DC and Boston. And I’m just thinking how I’m tell my daughter but we gonna wait till she gets around us in full.
Just tell her fam, be gentle with it but just let her know what happen so she can take it in. Then be even more of a rock for her after she understands that her grandfather is gone. Kid's are more understanding than we give them credit for
Fam, it will be 5 years this September that my mom passed and it will be some days that I would start thinking about her and I would start to cry. Getting over a loved one's passing doesn't have a time frame. And to people from the outside saying that you should not grieving, you can tell that they never lost someone close to them.

My grams died when I was 26. She was like my 3rd parent. I recently found a picture of her that I thought I lost...cried like a baby for like 20 mins.
My grams died when I was 26. She was like my 3rd parent. I recently found a picture of her that I thought I lost...cried like a baby for like 20 mins.
Yeah, I found the DVD that was played during my mom's funeral that had a Patti LaBelle song in the background, I can't remember the song name for the life of me. I could not hold it in.
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