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Go eat some grits nigga
Do yall job send a company email out to everyone of employees that they just fired...or quit? Or is it just mines? Lol!
Do yall job send a company email out to everyone of employees that they just fired...or quit? Or is it just mines? Lol!

One of my old jobs sent a email like this:

______________ is no longer with the firm. We wish them the best in their future endeavors
An email of the names of the people that were fired or quit? Lol that sounds pretty messed up

YUP! Lol!

Boggles my mind everytime an email like that goes out.

I aint neva been at a place where a company does that. You'd only hear about someone getting fired through whispers or office gossip.

Or from someone directly involved like a manger. But they would only mention that in an emergency team meeting. But not a email to the WHOLE company

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