Welcome To aBlackWeb

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Imma be 37 years young. I'm going to put my cologne in Detroit's atmosphere this weekend, and soak in the greatness of the city. That's like my second home. Marc's enemies have expiration dates on them. Imma put them in the past tense.
Bescuse me, I'd like to say ftr ...Marc is not a Detroiter.

Welcome back🤜🤛🤗
I do come here to vent from time to time but it’s because I just wanna vent. You niggaz don’t really care about me or what I’m talking about. So I can vent and then I don’t care no more. And life goes on.

The point I was making wit duke was, once you make a human connection you can’t just not care no more. It’s hurtful to the person you made the connection with and even though I may hate people because of their flaws, I still care about them.

I just want a sandwich, I don’t want this person to feel like I care about them when I don’t. Cause if I flirt it’s only because I want pussy, I don’t care about her. I’m not going to do that to her. I’m not in a space where I have the capacity to connect with someone else but I’m so charismatic it’s gonna seem like I care a lot more than I do. I just want some fucking lunch.

And what I was anger about had nothing to do wit my post, that was just some random shit that happened. I was already in a bothered mood, and just caught feelings about something stupid because of it.
This is you fam

This is you fam

Nah…male vulnerablity is so rare in ours and many other cultures that anytime it’s exhibited it’s easily categorized, lumped together, dismissed, or patronized. Duke talking bout his struggle, there’s many things about me that I just can’t be. My father married my mother has some girls and divorced when I was about 5.

My mother cheated on him early in the relationship and convinced him my oldest sister was his and she wasn’t. He stayed wit her and she took that as weakness and kept two timing him. Eventually asking for a divorce and bouncing to another state.

He was heart broken and followed her to that other state, me,.I was in a whole other state, both them bounced on me. Nigga moved around like a love sick puppy even though she played him out. Every time you talked to that nigga he talking bout some shit from 10, 20,30 years ago about her.

I always saw that nigga as soft, a pussy, a sucka, a weakass nigga. I ingrained in my as a child..I will never be..that nigga. Whatever that nigga is..I will be the fucking opposite. Anything that remotely resembled that nigga about me I hated. I hated the way I looked for years cause I looked like that nigga.

Just cause I care about if I may inadvertently play with a woman’s heart, and I’m empathetic to that cause many people in my life played with my loyalty and I don’t duplicate what is done to me. Don’t mean Id ever let myself be the type sucka nigga my dad was..Bobby Lee that type nigga

you can post again

im not doing the back and forth about it...i dont play like that....move accordingly moving forward
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