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Owner of the club I work at really just bought out the ice cream truck down the street and made him park in front of the club for the night. This nigga drunk AF 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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I dig these kinda films where folks just ruminating about life and philosophy n shit.

I might check it out over the weekend. I'll let ya know bruh lol

You ever check this joint called Waking Life? Its a animated/rotoscoped joint full of randomness. You might fuck with it

Funny thing about Waking Life is i think it was the first major public appearance of Alex Jones who at the time was just a local Austin crackpot who would drive around with speakers on top of his car shouting conspiracy theories.
This is considering that they are that self aware and in tune to their actions.

Many people don't weigh self reflection as high as self justification...

Meaning that if they can explain it away... There's no need or desire to reflect on the morality of it
Yes! And our minds are masters at justification.
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I seen the trailer for the sequel, this whole movie essentially took place in one room. The sequel seems to be a bunch of emo kids that got fascinated wit a book one of the people from the original wrote in the aftermath. I’m on the fence to watch it cause I liked the first one so much, I really don’t want the sequel to spoil that feeling for me.

your instincts on this one were right.. the sequel wasnt great... Original was way better. Dont bother
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