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Women flirt wit me, stare at me, provide me exceptional customer service all day. Women rarely ever give me attitude. I dress basic as fuck and have nothing flashy. I look good, got a nice smile, nice voice, nice conversation…
Women flirt wit me, stare at me, provide me exceptional customer service all day. Women rarely ever give me attitude. I dress basic as fuck and have nothing flashy. I look good, got a nice smile, nice voice, nice conversation…

Honestly, women like novelty.

If you got a little money and can say something interesting, 99 percent of women will eventually let you smash just because.

The trick is, fucking the women you actually wanna fuck.

Like the women that be in the Candy Shop.

Now you can fuck the women you see at Walmart no problem.
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Honestly, women like novelty.

If you got a little money and can say something interesting, 99 percent of women will eventually let you smash just because.

The trick is, fucking the women you actually wanna fuck.

Like the womeb that be in the Candy Shop.

Now you can fuck the women you see at Walmart no problem.
That’s niggaz problems, they out here chasing fantasy’s and tryna fuck everything with fucking being their main objective. Then wonder why they meet so much friction. Tryna get with women who are leveraging their vagina against their whole existence. Fuck what them women want or think. All women ain’t like that, more women are just nice beautiful beings with jobs and careers than these fantasy’s dudes are chasing. They end up seeing every woman through the lens of these fantasy women and don’t even try to get to know them to see that they ain’t. Men ain’t nice to women no more unless there’s some motive and you gotta figure that the smart once’s deal wit that so much all day that they clock you from the moment you open you mouth.
This needs to be a thread cause I realize that the vast majority of y’all are some stand up dudes..I was..”was”..not..I know some fucked men..fucked..up..men, and they get lots of pussy. Men are fucking fucked up..showin basic human decency to women goes a long way because a lot of men are pieces of shit..I can’t stress this enough. I know some fucked up men. The shit they tell they’ve done, the shit I’ve witnessed they’ve done..the bar is unbelievably low and the day I figured this shit out. It’s been the greatest apathy of my life.

I just found out one of my shorties was in the damn Nobody Special music video with Future and Hotboii.

That's pretty fucking cool.
One of the greatest songs of all time.

The pain in the man's voice. I've been there.

I took a chance, you had miles on you
I should've fucked and blow some loud on

One of the greatest songs of all time.

The pain in the man's voice. I've been there.

I took a chance, you had miles on you
I should've fucked and blow some loud on


Bruh... that's not even music.

Beat sounding like the demo mode on a casio keyboard.

You're traveling through another dimension
A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead. Your next stop,
The Twilight zone.

👨‍⚖️Wordsworth, Romney. Obsolescence.
👮‍♂️He's waiting, chancellor.
👨‍⚖️Order him in.
👮‍♂️Wordsworth, Romney. Obsolescence.

You walk into this room at your own risk
Because it leads to the future
Not a future that will be, but one that might be. This is not a new world. It is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history, since the beginning of time.
It has refinements
Technological advances and a more sophisticated approach
To the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the superstates that preceded it
It has one iron rule:
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth in his last 48 hours on earth.
He's a citizen of the state but will soon have to be eliminated
Because he's built out of flesh
And because he has a mind.
Mr. Romney wordsworth who will draw his last breaths
In the Twilight Zone.

👨‍⚖️Wordsworth, Romney.
Field investigation finding: Obsolescence.
Do you know why you're here, Mr. Wordsworth?
😕Yes, sir.
👨‍⚖️I'd ask you to speak up a little, if you will.
😕Yes, sir, I know why I'm here.
👨‍⚖️You've been under investigation Mr Wordsworth for the mandatory period of one year and 11 months. You're found to be obsolete. The purpose of this hearing is to make a finding in the matter and make a sentence accordingly. Do you understand that?
😕I understand that.
👨‍⚖️Your occupation, Mr. Wordsworth?
😕A librarian, sir.
👨‍⚖️A what?
😕A librarian, sir.
👨‍⚖️Has this man had counsel?
👮‍♂️Yes sir, he has.
👨‍⚖️Are you sure he knows his rights?
👮‍♂️He's been given orientation, sir.
👨‍⚖️Mr. Wordsworth, I'm told that you've had coun... stand back in the light, Mr. Wordsworth! I'm told you've had counsel and been given orientation, Mr. Wordsworth, but I'm still not sure in my own mind that you understand the purpose of this hearing. The field investigators in your sector have classified you as obsolete. This finding carries with it serious implications. Do you understand that, Mr. Wordsworth? Now I'll ask you again your occupation.
🤨I am a librarian, sir. That is my occupation. That is my profession. If you people choose to call that "obsolete"...
👮‍♂️Request clarification of the term.
👨‍⚖️Yes, the term, Mr. Wordsworth, "you people", you make reference to the state?
😐I make reference to the state.
👨‍⚖️And you persist in declaring your occupation as being that of a librarian. Is that correct?
😐That is correct, sir.
👨‍⚖️A librarian....... Having to do with books.
😐Yes, sir, books.🤨
👨‍⚖️But since there are no more books, Mr. Wordsworth, there are no more libraries. And, of course, it follows that there is very little call for the services of a librarian.
Case in point: A minister.
A minister would tell us that his function is that of preaching the word of God. And, of course it follows that since the state has proven that there is no God, that would make the function of a minister somewhat academic, as well.
🤨There is a God.
👨‍⚖️You are in error, mr. Wordsworth.
There is no God!
The state has proven that there is no God!
🤨You cannot erase God with an EDICT!😡

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