Welcome To aBlackWeb

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Truancy cops was big in Newark, especially during the stolen car era. We even had a truancy cop nicknamed Batman. When you seen a black Chevy Beretta with the Batman license plate, you knew to haul ass.

Two of my crew almost got hemmed up once for hittin' the coney spot for lunch. I was out sick that day and they walked over to the spot and was sittin' there eating along with a grip of other students and the cops pulled up with a van. Them two saw 'em coming, grabbed their food and sat down in a booth with this older cat and when the cops came they were like "naw, we're here with our uncle", and when they questioned dude he went along with it like "yeah, this my niece and nephew right here".
I saw a post on the coli saying if they shut down on the 30th everyone should migrate to ABW.
Never been there but with the way people on here talk about it...

A migration would be entertaining and hilarious lol

There was talk about what would happen if this site was shut down when Goldie left and it was acting up. Then Kandy fixed it and left
Whatever happens.. whoever migrates over here I hope it's moreso for the content/debates/conversations and not the smut.. smh
@Big Lurko , I wanna shout you out in my next podcast.

let me know how I can let people know where to find you, ya tag lines, and if you want me to call you lurk and alladat.
Thats wassup fam appreciate it. Yea lurk only exist on these boards but u can shout out my first initial of name O and tell em check out the ig pushfit_further and the ark of the f*#k it freestyle sessions on youtube and ig!

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Now everyone from the ig platform calls me pushfit but i guess that was my mistake not realizing people wouldnt see it was just the name of the page and not me lol. Im new to the ig world so fuck it call me that too its all good.
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