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the hell kinda life you think im living bruh? Weed aint even legal in Bermuda yet.. you think im bout to carry some herb on a plane into another fuckin country?


lol unless you got know which Jersey dispensaries are open to folks tomorrow you can sit this one out 😂

Let me find out you wear a khaki shorts suit and a pith helmet as part of your normal everyday attire. You gotta choose between Jersey and Bermuda. You can't do both.
Let me find out you wear a khaki shorts suit and a pith helmet as part of your normal everyday attire. You gotta choose between Jersey and Bermuda. You can't do both.

lol Aite.... yall muthafuckas get all your non-citizen, foreigner, whatever the fuck jokes off for the rest of the month...make a thread even if you want..

lets just move on in the Month of May.

And I still dont know what fuckin dispensary in jerz is decent.. thanks alot yall

What does that mean bro? Look man this is just like black lbgqt black athletes black fathers black owned business. If youre ok with all those things why no understanding for this.

black oeople wanna cosplay without being called ghetto. They wanna discuss their social issues with folks who look like them.

Black people talk all that "we are not a monolith" talk. And then when black people are doing something different ....its "revoke your black card"

Would be great if black folks as a collective were more open minded. Had a conversation where dude was saying in his mind your not black if you have a British accent. I'm like you do know black folks live all over the world.

We just have to see people who look like us doing all the things. We are already doing and living great but we usually are not aware of it until later in life.
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