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Chicago local politics is better than TV

just came out that Alderman Solis got picked up by the feds for accepting bribes in 2018

then agreed to wear a wire against fellow aldermen

This is the kinda thing Lena should be talking about on The Chi.

Wish the producers from The Wire would do a series like that on Chicago.

Then again, they do so good with Baltimore because they know about it first hand.

So it might not be the same if they tried it with Chicago.
I just found out that I won Employee of the Month!!! If I was real petty, I would forward the email to my former manager and say someone recognized the work I have done. But that stage of my life is done.
If they can't deal with you at your worst, they don't deserve you at your best
What if dreams are just your brain clearing Cache…

We put all this context into dreams, and it just our brains getting rid of unneeded shit that we have absorbed but are unaware of. Like, they said in your dreams, every face you see could have been a face you seen that day. And your brain is like, ehh, that shit ain’t needed. But while I work, here’s this movie you can be a part of
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