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That's once a year correct? I meant something that happens on a regular basis throughout the year.

I want to go to something like a caribana cause DC has something every year but its not like I've seen in other cities with a real heavy Caribbean influence and population

Ahh. That's tough for me to answer cause I'd prefer to get paid to be at most events than to just go party at them. It's the one offs every year like Caribana or ovo fest for me. And that's all in the same week usually. I been boring af for a while now. Don't know wtf going on.
I been meant to ask this question.

If you have a family member or a friend coming into town. What is the one type of party that is most representative of your city or state that you are taking said person to do?

I know every cousin that has come from out of town I've taken them to the go-go cause that is some real DC shit.

Hey man, what's going on in DC now? Me and my homeboy used to go to the city for Happy Hour pretty regularly. Ever since COVID, every spot we used to hit up has either closed down or is dead. Even the Park has been on struggle mode when we popped in. Is there anything that's hitting anymore?
Quick are you from NJ quiz...

1) what is this called


2) what is the night before halloween?

3) what are these...


4) What are these...


5) What are those rainbow or chocolate things that go on top of ice cream called?
I want number one right now.
Hey man, what's going on in DC now? Me and my homeboy used to go to the city for Happy Hour pretty regularly. Ever since COVID, every spot we used to hit up has either closed down or is dead. Even the Park has been on struggle mode when we popped in. Is there anything that's hitting anymore?

You're guess is as good as mine. I don't do shit anymore and been that way for years. I only go out a few times a year for my folks b-days and all we really do then is go to the go-go.

I went to the Park once and didn't like it. It was strange to me that I could hear peoples conversations over the music. I thought it was a party spot not a conversation spot with background music. Shit through me all the way off.
Quick are you from NJ quiz...

1) what is this called


2) what is the night before halloween?

3) what are these...


4) What are these...


5) What are those rainbow or chocolate things that go on top of ice cream called?

1- a dry ass shitty lookin sammich
2- mischief night
3- sneakers nigga...
4- soda
5- fuck outa my face with this bullshit

what is wrong wit yall today lol
You're guess is as good as mine. I don't do shit anymore and been that way for years. I only go out a few times a year for my folks b-days and all we really do then is go to the go-go.

I went to the Park once and didn't like it. It was strange to me that I could hear peoples conversations over the music. I thought it was a party spot not conversation spot with background music. Shit through me all the way off.

Shit's crazy now bro. You go to U Street and walk around, and any given day it can be a bunch of white people looking at you like you're the one out of place. lol
Shit's crazy now bro. You go to U Street and walk around, and any given day it can be a bunch of white people looking at you like you're the one out of place. lol

100% true and I hate that shit. They feel so confident and entitled like this is our shit why are you down here! I just shake my head sometimes at what has become of the city. It's losing so much of what made it different from other cities.
Since we're briefly on the topic of sandwiches...all my NYC posters....does that Chopped Cheese sandwich be hittin?
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