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Look at this old scammer. People noticed every video he does the same shit to people no matter what. Trying to get famous exposed his whole scam routine.

in the update video he threatens to sue him. Would of been funnier if the video was shorter, but he tried to many skits.

All this time when I heard the Lox talking about Yonkers, I thought it was just a neighborhood in one of the boroughs of NYC or something like that. I just realized it's a whole other city.
So, what's going on?

You gave him 25 ADA under the assumption that he was staking 522 ADA..........but he's not actually staking 522 ADA?

Or was he staking 522 ADA.........you gave him the 25 ADA payout..........and he stopped staking the 522 ADA as soon as you gave him the payout?

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I put up $600,000 into my Cardano Stake Pool. The average return is 5%. But I’m going up against millionaires/billionaires who dropped $50,000,000 on average. So I came to ABW and got as many of my people together as I could and paid them their 5% DAY1 outta my pocket instead of them having to wait for a year.

20+ Wypipo still rockin’ with me. 5 of my “brothers” flaked and ran off with the bag. Now when I do my next business venture and only fuck with Jews, Niggaz gonna say I’m a “SellOut”. LOL!!! Okay…
So Fed are gonna be raising the interest rates to slow inflation

which is usually what happens but still

I understand it, but........in this situation.........it doesn't make sense.

I mean, if low interest rates were the cause of inflation it would make sense.

But since the inflation we're going through right now isn't caused by low interest rates, I don't understand how raising rates is going to reduce inflation.
Wanna hear how my crazy brain gave me a weird super power? No? Fuck you ima say it anyway. When I worked as a contractor for comcast we used to have call to meets, call 30 minutes before arrival. Same as when I worked r my next company as a installer, tech, and network tech.

What happened over the years is calling people before I got there, and then meeting them moments later. I would be face with problems and how they responded to the problems. So over time this caused me stress.

And my brain doesn’t like to stress so I would after making the call, go into predictive thinking of how I will handle the situation.

Over time I begin to be able to accurately tell what a person looked like just by the sound of their voice.

Over more time I begin to be able to accurately tell what a person was wearing by the sound of their voice.

And over more time, I was able to tell what a person looked like, was wearing, and what makes them cry, by the sound of their voice.

To this day can still do it with 90% accuracy and I have no idea how to monetize this shit or use it for good.
I put up $600,000 into my Cardano Stake Pool. The average return is 5%. But I’m going up against millionaires/billionaires who dropped $50,000,000 on average. So I came to ABW and got as many of my people together as I could and paid them their 5% DAY1 outta my pocket instead of them having to wait for a year.

20+ Wypipo still rockin’ with me. 5 of my “brothers” flaked and ran off with the bag.

The highlighted is fucked up.

Main reason why we can't have anything.
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fuck the chinese.

im hitting up the continent to show them whats what fucking with a Black american. A north Philly nigga at that.

remember this post.

its going to age like a 62' Dalmore
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