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I had one management job where I took over for someone leaving the company. I go for training thinking they were gonna train me but she delegated it to the mf that got passed over for the job.

This dude was salty lmaooooo he hated having to do that shit. He kept trying to play me so as time went on I made him train all the new employees that came in.

When I quit they passed him over again. Bitch ass nigga. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I was in a similar situation at my last job. Chick got passed over after having been with the company for 24 years. She was salty as hell and low key tried to take it out on me. I was like I didn’t post this job, interview myself, hire myself, and pay myself more than you!

I gave her a pass for about a month before I started pointing out all of her fuck ups to the CFO when we were all in meetings together.

Then when I left they hired outside the company again, lol.
Training is usually like throwing a baby bird off the cliff and seeing what happens

I'm still brand new to this position. So for them to have another new person who's still in training sit with me instead of a vet...smh. It makes no sense mayne.

But whateva. We're just sittin here chilling.
Get one these if you don't have one already!! The amount of stuff you can cook on there all at the same time with a easy clean up is fucking great.

I was in a similar situation at my last job. Chick got passed over after having been with the company for 24 years. She was salty as hell and low key tried to take it out on me. I was like I didn’t post this job, interview myself, hire myself, and pay myself more than you!

I gave her a pass for about a month before I started pointing out all of her fuck ups to the CFO when we were all in meetings together.

Then when I left they hired outside the company again, lol.
The same happened to me. But I was the one that got passed on. The manager came up to me and told me I didn’t get the position. Then he had the nerve to want me to train the new guy. I told him and the new person that I didn’t want to do the training because I didn’t feel it was fair to me. I said the same thing to the new guy.
I'm still brand new to this position. So for them to have another new person who's still in training sit with me instead of a vet...smh. It makes no sense mayne.

But whateva. We're just sittin here chilling.

That shit is crazy and I don't and can't work like that. I need to understand wtf I'm doing and a new person can't explain that to me so I would get frustrated.
The same happened to me. But I was the one that got passed on. The manager came up to me and told me I didn’t get the position. Then he had the nerve to want me to train the new guy. I told him and the new person that I didn’t want to do the training because I didn’t feel it was fair to me. I said the same thing to the new guy.

What's the logic behind that?

Somebody gets passed over for a job..........but they want them to train the person who got the job?

That's crazy to me.

So, I'm not qualified for the job........yet, somehow......I'm qualified to train the person who gets the job that I'm not qualified for???

Kobe wtf clip.gif

Wouldn't that make me more qualified than them?

In which case, if I'm more qualified than them...........shouldn't I be the one to get the job???

KRS One gif.gif
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What's the logic behind that?

Somebody gets passed over for a job..........but they want them to train the person who got the job?

That's crazy to me.
I don’t get it at all. I had no problems with the person who got the job. He was a good guy that worked his ass off the whole nine. The manager thought it was cool and I wasn’t going to be mad about it.
Back when I worked in convenience stores, it was the reg for a mfer to train their replacement.


Bring in a mfer, have you train them, and in a week you get fired and that mfer take over your shift.

It never happened to me, but it happened to a ton of my coworkers.

Shit dirty.
Back when I worked in convenience stores, it was the reg for a mfer to train their replacement.


Bring in a mfer, have you train them, and in a week you get fired and that mfer take over your shift.

It never happened to me, but it happened to a ton of my coworkers.

Shit dirty.

Starting to wonder if this is one of the reasons why some people snap and shoot up their job.
My nephew is hilarious my mom said she was watching him and he called his mom on the ipad because he wanted to get picked up... she said soon because her brother has to pick up his lil cousin so she could come get him.... sooo he calls his uncle to come pick up his kid so his mom can pick him up😄
Shit is funny not funny.. ansolutely bonkers people murder people for minor/ short term inconveniences... and as a result suffer long time consequences because of impulsiveness.. its absolutely bizarre.. never to have the "privilege" of minor inconveniences again

People are fucked up

Theres a lot that goes into a mfer being willing to shoot some shit up. And im not gonna make light of the problems they dealing with that pushes them over the edge. And def not gonna make light of mental issues they are dealing with.

Just going to point out that the shit is not a rational decision under any circumstances, other than self defense and shit.

We cant be sitting here normalizing their reasons though
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