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Saturday night/Sunday morning shift and this man enters the building with not one, but TWO 7 eleven big bites in his hand. No bun, no wrapper, no box, just raw hand palming two hotdogs.

Fuckin Glock Hand Mcgee over here thinking he's not going to catch these jokes. He's already complained about me once to the powers that be, but fuck it. They're gonna have to kick me out this bitch today.
Saturday night/Sunday morning shift and this man enters the building with not one, but TWO 7 eleven big bites in his hand. No bun, no wrapper, no box, just raw hand palming two hotdogs.

Fuckin Glock Hand Mcgee over here thinking he's not going to catch these jokes. He's already complained about me once to the powers that be, but fuck it. They're gonna have to kick me out this bitch today.
Lmao u must work security
Know what’s funny is now that women have platforms to express why they do things. Like dressing up a certain way or doing make up a certain way, or just shit in general that you deemed sexy. And they remove the sexiness from it by saying it’s more than the sexy, it’s an art, a passion or whatever. Now that you removed the element of sex ion care. Same as I don’t care about when men do shit for the same reason, cause ain’t shit sexy bout men.
Saturday night/Sunday morning shift and this man enters the building with not one, but TWO 7 eleven big bites in his hand. No bun, no wrapper, no box, just raw hand palming two hotdogs.

Fuckin Glock Hand Mcgee over here thinking he's not going to catch these jokes. He's already complained about me once to the powers that be, but fuck it. They're gonna have to kick me out this bitch today.

Did he bust in the door like...

"I've got GLIZZIES!"

That’s like Meg the Stallion saying, hey I’m sexy and I can rap. And men being like damn she sexy, now that the sexy caught my attention my attention can linger moments more and actually consider that yea she can rap a lil. But it’s the thing that grabbed my attention. Society is trying make it not ok for a woman’s sexiness to be the thing that first grabs you attention to care about other shit. But at the same time is telling men that you have to do shit to grab a woman’s attention before she cares about other shit wit you. Same society wants shit to be equal at the same time. When all there are doing is making shit that wasn’t equal decades ago equal but moving the inequality to another form. Meg the Stallion actually can rap, her songs are just simplified ass..she can rap tho
Saturday night/Sunday morning shift and this man enters the building with not one, but TWO 7 eleven big bites in his hand. No bun, no wrapper, no box, just raw hand palming two hotdogs.

Fuckin Glock Hand Mcgee over here thinking he's not going to catch these jokes. He's already complained about me once to the powers that be, but fuck it. They're gonna have to kick me out this bitch today.

Lol was he black cuz if he one of us he knew damn better. And he gon be shitty
That’s like Meg the Stallion saying, hey I’m sexy and I can rap. And men being like damn she sexy, now that the sexy caught my attention my attention can linger moments more and actually consider that yea she can rap a lil. But it’s the thing that grabbed my attention. Society is trying make it not ok for a woman’s sexiness to be the thing that first grabs you attention to care about other shit. But at the same time is telling men that you have to do shit to grab a woman’s attention before she cares about other shit wit you. Same society wants shit to be equal at the same time. When all there are doing is making shit that wasn’t equal decades ago equal but moving the inequality to another form. Meg the Stallion actually can rap, her songs are just simplified ass..she can rap tho
It is not really society but some women. Some women want to be seen for their skills first rather than looks. There are some people who wont listen to a women rap unless they are attractive.
See...this why I need to stick to my gut feelings.

Randomly my son asked me about the last dude I was with. knew I should not have let that dude meet my son. I normally don't let my son meet a guy. Not of a fan of when it don't workout and the kid comes bringing up old stuff up....like today ugh 😑

Like ain't nobody thinking about dude, I am all happy Kekeing and shit,here comes my kid...oh mom what happened to so and so.

My response: He dead

My son look at me like what? I go he don't exist no more.

I doubt men deal with shit like this.
Dudes go through it as well. Most kids will latch on to anyone who makes them happy. It is almost unavoidable. But you eventually want to let the person you are dating meet your kid. The time of when that should happen is tricky. Maybe after you do enough vetting of the person. But ultimately, you will need to see how your kid and partner will mesh. If you wait until you get engaged/married, assuming that is your goal, and they dont like each other, that will cause issues in the relationship.
Is there a thread on prejudices? Not just racial ones or stereotypes either. I feel there's a long list of them that are just accepted and folded into everyday society.
Dudes go through it as well. Most kids will latch on to anyone who makes them happy. It is almost unavoidable. But you eventually want to let the person you are dating meet your kid. The time of when that should happen is tricky. Maybe after you do enough vetting of the person. But ultimately, you will need to see how your kid and partner will mesh. If you wait until you get engaged/married, assuming that is your goal, and they dont like each other, that will cause issues in the relationship.

How long do you wait ? Like for me that's a huge amount of trust. You don't get brownie points because you want to meet my kid. And yes i want them to be cool with each other.

And it's times where the dude wants me to his kids. And I am like it's too soon lol. Idk meeting and vibing with the kids is another level to me. Like that doesn't happen in the beginning when we still getting to know each other.

It's been like 5 months and my son bringing up dude...yup that's a reminder that I still need to work on my discernment.
When you can tell someone is trying to get an angry reaction out of you…….don't give them what they want

They’re doing their best to justify their already *impeding loss
👆This brought to mind something I'd just read a couple of days ago

Wise men glory in opportunities to pass over personal transgressions by others; their discretion and self-control eliminate their anger (Pr 19:11). Nothing ruffles them, especially the minor irritations that commonly occur among men. They know they have been forgiven much, so it is easy for them to forgive others. They know they have beams in their eyes, so they do not worry about the minor specks in others’ eyes (Matt 7:3-5).

*Typo? Did you mean impending?
How long do you wait ? Like for me that's a huge amount of trust. You don't get brownie points because you want to meet my kid. And yes i want them to be cool with each other.

And it's times where the dude wants me to his kids. And I am like it's too soon lol. Idk meeting and vibing with the kids is another level to me. Like that doesn't happen in the beginning when we still getting to know each other.

It's been like 5 months and my son bringing up dude...yup that's a reminder that I still need to work on my discernment.

Not so much as me but I know others that have been through it. I definitely wouldnt do it at the beginning.

All kids are different. There are some kids that dont like when one of their parents meet someone new. They tend to grow out of it through....sometimes

Again, cant really put a number on how many months you should wait. It depends on how much yall are actually seeing each other. How much yall are talking. The vetting process is very important. Do yall align emotionally, spiritually, financially. Do yall stimulate each others intellect. What are yall views on what a relationship should be. Do yall bring peace to each other and hardly argue. Are yall compatible physically. Are there similar interests. Have yall talked about being exclusive and putting a label on it. There are other things you may add too your own process.

Those are some of the things that people need to talk about during dating. Then you will know when it is time for the kids to come into play.
See...this why I need to stick to my gut feelings.

Randomly my son asked me about the last dude I was with. knew I should not have let that dude meet my son. I normally don't let my son meet a guy. Not of a fan of when it don't workout and the kid comes bringing up old stuff up....like today ugh 😑

Like ain't nobody thinking about dude, I am all happy Kekeing and shit,here comes my kid...oh mom what happened to so and so.

My response: He dead

My son look at me like what? I go he don't exist no more.

I doubt men deal with shit like this.

How long before he met your son?

Why do you doubt men have to deal with that?
Woke up at 5:50am to go to work. About 5 1/2hrs in, chillin wit my coworkers on lunch when s/o (also works there) says "WAIT A MINUTE! WHY ARE YOU HERE? IT'S A HOLIDAY."

Apparently....since I'm still in training and today is a considered a holiday for us, I was suppose to be off. Walked back to my desk where my trainer is, and told what I just found out. She almost spits out her drink and says "Oh shyt! I completely forgot!"

So she calls up to the supervisor's bridge to let them know. Supervisor comes back and tells me they gotta let me go home. Mainly b/c since I was working, I'm getting holiday pay, and they're not allowed to let me stay. Supervisor asked "Nobody told you??" Told her "Nope. No one came to me and told me anything." My trainer didn't know b/c she was on vacation this past week.

Supervisor tells me I can pack up my stuff and leave. MAAAAAANNNNNN...I was OUT...

She ain't had to tell me twice! Got my stuff and headed home. Off til Wednesday.

Trainer told me to come in my regular time, then we'll see what they do. Possibly gettin off early to even out the time I worked today. Who knows. We'll see. My trainer think management gonna blame her for not informing me. But how Sway?? She was off. So she ready for their smoke. Lol. She about to bounce anyway to a new department.

Only bad thing...I can't really enjoy my day cuz I got fuccin homework to do. Smh
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