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Lost track of how many times I wondered "Who's this Jamaican artist?" on a song only to find I'm listening to a Nigerian.

No way this shit is real

Is Drone Video of a Bear Chasing a Person in Snow Real?

On Jan. 26, 2022, Reddit user u/namey_mcnameson posted a video that purportedly showed the view of a drone flying between trees in a snowy wilderness to reveal a man or woman being chased by what might have been a grizzly bear. The caption of the video on the r/Unexpected subreddit read: “Such a lovely day to test out my drone.”

The top comment said: “WE NEED ANSWERS!”

Some commenters believed the video might be the work of a CGI artist. “The snow doesn’t flick up very naturally from the footsteps,” u/wealllovethrowaways said. “It’s very likely CGI, but it’s damn good CGI.”

The highest available resolution for the video appeared to be 418×480, which was quite low. If the video did contain some CGI work, one good strategy to hide that fact would be to lower the quality of the clip to make it more difficult for viewers to study details.

One user believed it to be animation created with the graphics software Blender. Others discussed just how fast bears can run, saying that the person in the video would have been bear food within seconds. “That bear is a paid actor,” joked another person.

However, others weren’t so sure it was fake. “I’m under the impression that this is a real video without audio, but the audio was added for comedic effect,” a user said. That comment had more than 200 likes in agreement with believing the video was real. Another person concurred: “I second this theory.” Several people also mentioned a theory that it might have been a “trained bear.”

The sound in the clip appeared to have been recreated and was not the original audio. The audio from drones can often sound like little more than loud whirring or buzzing from the mechanics that enable it to fly.

The one thing that all of the Reddit comments had in common was that no one had yet uncovered definitive evidence of the origins of the supposed drone video.

We’re continuing to look for where the video originated in order to figure out if the purported drone video really did show a grizzly bear (or another kind of bear) chasing a person through the snow. We found no trace of the clip on Facebook or the Russian-language social media website VK.com (V Kontakte), for example. We will update this story when we know more. Initially, we have rated the claim as “Research In Progress.”

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I say it's fake because isn't it drilled in everyones head to not outrun a bear because you legit can't? Isn't that where the whole "I don't need to outrun the bear I just need to outrun you" came from?
I heard you play dead, I wonder how true that is.
Depends on the type of bear you run into. If it is a black bear, you make noise.
If it is a grizzly, you are screwed. You are not supposed to look it in the eye, dont make loud noises, dont run.

If any bear has cubs around, you are screwed.
Depends on the type of bear you run into. If it is a black bear, you make noise.
If it is a grizzly, you are screwed. You are not supposed to look it in the eye, dont make loud noises, dont run.

If any bear has cubs around, you are screwed.
So you saying black bear get stupid because they hear drums?
So you saying black bear get stupid because they hear drums?
Black bears are more scared of you. They tend to mind their business unless they feel threatened.

When my dumbass went hiking by myself, I ran into a black bear. I was at the end of my hike and the bear was standing in my way back to my campsite. I was a very good distance away from the bear. Recorded it on my camcorder. When iy heard me, it ran deeper into the woods off the trail. Also, i almost stepped on a rattle snake. I learned my lesson that day.
Black bears are more scared of you. They tend to mind their business unless they feel threatened.

When my dumbass went hiking by myself, I ran into a black bear. I was at the end of my hike and the bear was standing in my way back to my campsite. I was a very good distance away from the bear. Recorded it on my camcorder. When iy heard me, it ran deeper into the woods off the trail. Also, i almost stepped on a rattle snake. I learned my lesson that day.
Black Bears are pussy.

Grizzly Bears will eat you

That’s pretty much the gist of it
These niggas are racist
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