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Destiny is bringing all the raids up to current levels today, I might not get any studying at all, game is legit addicting

this shit here!!!

man, i can only imagine how this franchise wouldv'e been different had Marvel had the reigns from day one

It's crazy to me that disney didn't buy them sooner, so much potential to make money and by the time they did it, they sold off xmen and the fantastic four. Better late than never tho
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Interview went perfect everyone :clawd2: the entire hiring panel said they would hire me right now but the warden have the final say so. Even if I don't get the job, it really boost my confidence in myself as well as confirmed my aspirations are as dope as I believe they are ;;;;;
Interview went perfect everyone :clawd2: the entire hiring panel said they would hire me right now but the warden have the final say so. Even if I don't get the job, it really boost my confidence in myself as well as confirmed my aspirations are as dope as I believe they are ;;;;;

What would you be doing there if you don't mind me asking
This might need to be a thread but I woke up to a million messages and texts because of this picture below. A guy called my best friend a bitch and bad mother behind this picture because she didnt agree and so people were looking for me to swoop in with my sharp tongue.

View attachment 4818

What are your thoughts on this picture?

I see NOTHING wrong. :mhm:
Interview went perfect everyone :clawd2: the entire hiring panel said they would hire me right now but the warden have the final say so. Even if I don't get the job, it really boost my confidence in myself as well as confirmed my aspirations are as dope as I believe they are ;;;;;

I hope you get the job! Im rooting for you....
are you nervous about working in a jail?
Behavioral Counselor to the inmates

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youre welcome!
I'm sorry to ask so many questions but are you a social worker?
do you find your line of work rewarding?
you probably already said this before but I'm so curious! lol

Have a BA in psych, working on my MS in Human Services,
Felons are my population I want to work with...just want to change my community and it seems they have the least attention and resources for improvement.
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