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Why you eating for?
Go now wth!
I been before its just getting worse, they where suppossed to put a tube down my throat with a camera, but they gave me an ultrasound instead, I left before after several days in icru....if I went now I would want to know I would be admitted cause i'd have to call an ambulance.....so i'ma get someone to drive me tommorrow incase they dont readmitt me and i'm not stranded....its a l......... its hard to walk home after having a finger in your ass ......they literally do that and press it on paper and it turns a certain color, I just aint in the mood tonight
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Yea yall niggas done. You outchea sounding like BWG.

Yall the brokest mfs on the board and yall won?

You're playing the game backwards.


How did we lose tho fam? u know i took well over 10 mil right? and I gave all that shit away cause I knew i was leavin tonight. I know you probably got some of it back + the 3 mil u hit me for but theres some that i know for a fact cant be given back unless u play hero and go into the bank to do it
sorry something going on I don't know shit about, let me stop I just woke up like an hour ago I ain't got a grape in this my bad, thanks azyln
What do these 'target' and 'source' transactions mean?
Means someone robbed you. And the source is who done such robbing.

Unless it’s for payout for posts or someone rating your post...

Should say st the front of it.
I just smoked a bowl to ease my stomach and dilemma was on youtube...........How the fuck.........im sorry but Kelly was moving into a big ass house and had the smallest uhaul they have with like a chair and table.....i'm just saying I knowhow to help out females its the gentleman thing but nelly could have just did it himself, he didnt need all the lunatics too, I got a double hernia and I could have done that shit solo
so are we gonna do
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Nigga I played y'all in front of the whole board for dummies and niggaz went tit for tat till y'all went dry....

You gonna have to break out the plastic for a re-up if you want back into this conversation

What this all boils down to.
I'm not drinking tommorrow, i'm about to be out of liqour and if i go anywhere its the doctor this lifestyle sucks and I think i'm over it
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