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It's so many things that I want to branch off into. I think will tho. I been trying to find some scholarships out there that they can possibly fund it because paying out of pocket for my first degree was a hassle.
very true.....wifeys last degree cost a grip.

get any help you can...
even if you have to get a gig that can help you pay for it....get it
I went to a play this weekend, it was pretty live....

Saw twelfth night, pretty funny. Took a second to get use to the dialect but it was good.
I don't disagree with her tho. Looks fade and every chick has a pussy... What else do you have to offer?

Probably more than she has to offer. I try not to judge other women especially if they are not doing anything to me
go on playa.

where you going?

dem puters can make you loot

I haven't decided yet but I think I'm going to stay in Tennessee since it'll cost more out of state. I gotta home girl that's going to TSU. I think imma try either MTSU or TSU too since it's a HBCU
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