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I always thought that was some sucka shyt they tried to do.

It was and they deserved dotd

4 guys, on camera, sneak the man and didnt even land it, and then literally watched him jog away but played like they were chasing him lol

Whole plan had morning breath
People are stupid..

so yesterday one of these cats at work says he was at the store.. and someone was parked to close to his wifes car or some shit so they paged the person who was responsible and they moved the car... So his wifes mother keyed the damn car.. i mean .. what type of stupid is that.. a resolved issue became a big issue ..
i am confounded by the level of stupid.. of course they know who it is.. an there are cameras everywhere.. you dont key anyones car anyhow but..

People are stupid..

so yesterday one of these cats at work says he was at the store.. and someone was parked to close to his wifes car or some shit so they paged the person who was responsible and they moved the car... So his wifes mother keyed the damn car.. i mean .. what type of stupid is that.. a resolved issue became a big issue ..
i am confounded by the level of stupid.. of course they know who it is.. an there are cameras everywhere.. you dont key anyones car anyhow but..

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I'll be ready to kill that woman for keying my car. That's one reason why I rather park in the back by myself, away from everyone, if it's possible. Because people will hit your door or creating small scratches on your car.
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