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What about Predator 2 ? Billy screaming was him being knocked off the log that's why it echoed lololol.

Predator 2 only had 1 yautja
Predator 2 had 5.

City hunter was a youngblood going thru a blood rite, the elders stayed back on the ship and watched.
Remember, I said "travel in groups" not "hunt in packs"
Fun Fact :
niggas have never been bit by sharks.


Warren Sapp would beg to differ:

This nigga just let his baby fall out the car seat on to the concrete and his girl giving him all the smoke... Won't let him go anywhere near the kid now... He following em up and down the street.. Oh shit she swung on him... I don't think it phased him tho... She letting him hold the baby now.
Honda obviously failed to test for that

foreigners and their obsolete machines

she aint going NO.where

hope she got the title
whoaaaa so hollup

she pulled up trying to damage somebody's shit and it blew it up in her face? or her car I should say...

ha haaaaa

used tires cost $25.....step your property damage game up
Let my wife borrow my car yesterday, she tells me she went to this local spot that we both like. Pulled up in the drive through and they say it's gonna be a 20 minute way for the particular thing she ordered

She tells me, I yelled into the intercom that they never prepared and that they need to get their shit together.

She tells me she peeled off into the street in front of the store so I better wait awhile before I go back there cause they are gonna remember my car and probably spit in the food

Funny how niggas got time when they broke and need to hold something.
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