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Mary thought that too. And now we got Jesus.

I remember back when my mom made me go to church a drunk lady stood up in tha front pew and yelled “Mary was a ho!!” turned and walked out...i got slapped eventually when I wouldn’t stop laughin’...
Idky but I decided to eat dinner at my dining room table

Shit lonely af yo

Time to go insult some ppl
lol watch until the end.. idk wtf is going on to have started this but when will people learn to walk away..

NBA = brothers controlling their own destinies on their own terms. NFL = brothers being controlled by “massa” on the plantation.

Yes, I WILL be watching the NBA this year. And next year. And the next year after that.

Don’t get so caught up in the day to day fanaticism that you don’t see the big picture. How many of us are able to make boss moves on our own terms with a game we loved playing since we were about 6 years old? They are professionals in their profession. They ain’t tellin’ you what company you are to stay with or leave.

Let these grown black men be GREAT! All of them. #nba #ilovethisgame
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