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Have you tried it?

What do the massage therapists say about it?

A good massage sounds great right now...
They all love it and have lot's of people drinking it even one of the docs drinks it and the receptionists...
I ain't really asked about it though...
They all love it and have lot's of people drinking it even one of the docs drinks it and the receptionists...
I ain't really asked about it though...

Ms. @Azlyn please do me a favor and go to one of the massage therapists and say "Neighborhood Nomad wants to know about the benefits of alkaline water and why do you recommend it so much." Don't trip, they know who I am, and if they pretend they don't they're lying.

Also, you might want to consider a new job because it seems the people around you don't care about the water you drink while recommending it to everyone else around you. It's kind of fucked up, you know?
Did you notice any differences in the water or yourself? How long were you drinking it for?

Okay this is going to be TMI but you asked. So I tend to have a problem going (have tried everything on the market) and someone suggested this water so I started using it and it was great at first. I thought I had found the golden ticket. Nope. the effects wore off so I stopped buying it.

I can taste a difference in the taste but it's not horrible
Okay this is going to be TMI but you asked. So I tend to have a problem going (have tried everything on the market) and someone suggested this water so I started using it and it was great at first. I thought I had found the golden ticket. Nope. the effects wore off so I stopped buying it.

I can taste a difference in the taste but it's not horrible
Eating coconut oil is good for digestion
HMM. I shall try this. I use it for my face and hair
Make sure its the raw kind that smells like freshly cut coconut. Also, dates r great for both digestion n iron. I make a date cake with coconut oil n honey instead of butter n sugar, works as a laxative. Found this out when I took it to a party lmao
Make sure its the raw kind that smells like freshly cut coconut. Also, dates r great for both digestion n iron. I make a date cake with coconut oil n honey instead of butter n sugar, works as a laxative. Found this out when I took it to a party lmao

when did you become susie homemaker?
I hate working in an office. Wypipo don't cover their mouths and everyone is sick.

This one lady uses the compressed air blower to clean out her keyboard and now I can see the particles floating in the air. I hate those things.

Airborne on deck.
Soooooo Cuba has been scratched off our travel list and DR has been put in its place. That's cool with me I would rather go to DR anyway so yay me
Started my new job at the detox center. Boss was like "Yeah we don't have Cerner yet (our electronic health records system) so we just have these physical notes we need entered in for review and we are a bit behind so we will have you do that for today" then she took off.

Finished the shit in 15 minutes and just been sitting here walking around and surfing the interwebs. Love this job so far.
Started my new job at the detox center. Boss was like "Yeah we don't have Cerner yet (our electronic health records system) so we just have these physical notes we need entered in for review and we are a bit behind so we will have you do that for today" then she took off.

Finished the shit in 15 minutes and just been sitting here walking around and surfing the interwebs. Love this job so far.
Good job scoring a job where you get to spend more time with your internet friend's Lou
Thanks man, all part of the plan. IT didnt put a filter on the net over in this building either so i may catch up on some shows.
I hate working in an office. Wypipo don't cover their mouths and everyone is sick.

This one lady uses the compressed air blower to clean out her keyboard and now I can see the particles floating in the air. I hate those things.

Airborne on deck.

Reason #3473 Why I'm against folks bring their babies to the job.

A lot of these muthafucca don't wash their hands, and be touching everything. You know what, lemme get my hand sanitizer.
My co-worker walks as if she's scared of black men, and thinks I'm gonna rob her in the hallway
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