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Its worse from the job perspective you try to use. I can easily explain a baby picture, I dont think there is a reasonable explanation why ass is jiggling on my work computer

As long as I've been in IT, there's never been a problem with baby pics on folk's computers. Only time personal pics were an issue was when I worked in Defense, and that's 'cause they didn't allow personal anything on the machines because you risk compromising the security of the network. Baby pics on cubicle walls were the norm there; no explanation necessary.

Asses jiggling tho? With one exception (Borders Group Corp HQ), asses on the screen like that would get you a stern talking to, a write-up depending on who saw it, or walked out of the building if it's a repeat offense.

Methinks the baby pic was just fine.
I commend this nigga for trying to avoid his own deviancies at all cost. It's probably hard for him, we should respect that he has a weakness he's trying to avoid it.
You wouldn't be flaunting crack in front of a crack head would ya.
I’m notorious for getting bitch niggas like you in your feelings. I won when you gotta talk about dead mfs.

I talk to my deceased son every day. He told me ya daddy down there sticking his dick in niggas like he did you as a kid.

I guess it’s a family tradition cause now that’s your wave, Chester. Only a pedophile worries about the feds seeing babies in diapers on a website.
I could go in on ya deceased daddy but choose not too.

Him burning in hell is enough for me.
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