Welcome To aBlackWeb

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We here @ ABW are like an extended family my Caucasian brother... I don't diss other races like some of these chocolate women may do... I great you with handshake, dap or nod pause
Know how they say if you watch too many videos on YouTube eventually u end up in the really weird corner of YouTube

Let me tell you something man, that rabbit hole is much much deeper on tumblr. I’m surprised the government leaves that shit alone.
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Man, at 2am, the best sammich shop is deep into the gay district.... Like a block down the street from this huge gay bar.....

But this turkey Ruben sammich....

I don't even give a fuck. Everybody drunk... High.... Whatever it's after hours... Every body on one... We be in this bitch geeking...

Them gay mother fuckers be funny as shit bruh...
. Straight comedy
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