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She's self-absorbed and slightly annoying, but......................

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She aint, Bruno Mars as an amazing artist, dude was influenced by soul, jazz, R&B, and other forms of black culture.

Dude pays homage, and brings light to acts that get shine. If dude does a cover, he readily admits it and gives props. And those shits do streams, and dude gets blessing from artists because of it.

You ever heard any old head speaking that shit on Bruno Mars and you know how old heads love to talk shit when they don’t get proper due and someone eating off them like it’s some original shit.

I’m old enough to remember puff getting flack from that, then he came wit he “take hits from the 80’s, but do it sound so crazy”...that was after the flack he got.

Shorty can have a legit point about others, but Bruno Mars, homie a popular target for hotep niggaz right now.

And that shit she saying about Micheal not being what he is now what he was then. Fam Mike would be Gawd status if he happened to drop brand new right. His business sense, musical talent, ear for sound, dancing skills, unique way of dress...

And prince was respected as a fucking Legend in the industry. She tryta play dem niggaz influence and impact to make her point..don’t let people do shit like that..

That’s how people get away wit terms like modern day lynching. Ain’t no fucking thing as modern day lynching if it don’t involve being ripped from you home infront of your family in the middle of the night. Beaten to death and hung from a tree for everyone to see.

Don’t lessen what something actually was, to attribute it to fit your argument.

You know, (takes a deep breath)

I FEEL like I am not put in situations like this because of how I might handle things. I’m about that violence ESPECIALLY when it comes to children. That’s my weakness. I would’ve have fought the mama. On sight. HOW?! HOWWWWWWWW do you THINK your child is in a car seat?! Why do you not KNOW!?!!
That’s like them mfs who leave the baby in the car and the baby dies because they forgot! HOWWWWWW!
I was about to yell my sons name to come bring me my remote at the end of my bed and turn my light off.

Then I remembered, he’s gone for the week. Now I’m stuck here in the light with no remote. :(
Why the fuck did the person that found the baby leave him on the ground that long? Fucking social media man....Everything for the camera. Glad the baby was safe though. Momma dumb ass talking bout she thought the baby was the car seat and she drove off the turned around and saw the baby wasn't there so she doubled back.

Probably aint wanna touch the baby. Seems crazy. Best excuse is he thought baby was injured.
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