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comparing me to uncle rukus

yeah youre a lot more foolish than I orginally thought
Out of everything I typed, this is what hit the hardest.

Gotdamn a hit dog will holler.

You've been asked 4 times now about a solution. It's ok to admit that you don't have one.
Black capitalism is a non-starter because capitalism is born of and sustained through violence not business licences.

you must first realize that our relation to white ppl is at its base a property relationship.
there is this kind of "collective property" attached to whiteness that manifests as soverginty, the
ability to own people and land, and then there's private property that manifests among individuals on a class basis. These overlap n feed on one another. You can't address capitalism without addressing the colonial relation that produces private property which has been birthed out of chattel slavery, a very violent system.

police brutality is a symptom of capitalism
racial health disparities etc all symptoms and byproducts of capitalism

and this doesnt change even if the faces spearheading these systems are Black.

If you only wish to mimic white folks than just admit you dream of being a colonizer/settler yourself. You want to hold the whip. You want to have the power to end civilizations.

capitalist patriarchal dominance at its core js hyper-exploitation and underpayment of ppl, for this is essential to modern capitalism economic growth.

Thats why I said ppl had to get away from it

That's more like it, I disagree, but that's more like it.
I want yall to understand that I do a lot of community work and I dont hate Black people, at all. In fact, I changed my degree and even took a pay cut to enter into a field that will allow me to help change predominately Black communities along the east coast.

I think yall keep thinking my critiques are Anti-Black which is rubbing me the wrong way.
I loveeeeeeeeeee Black people. I champion for us. I try to lift us up and empower us but I would be a fool to only focus on the postive aspects of Blackness without critiquing and speaking about the ills within our communities

like domestic violence or anti-LGBTQIA ideas and/or colorism or sexual abuse etc

Calling me Uncle Rukus is so offbase and disrespectful, you dont know me at all and if you did know me fr fr you wouldnt even think to say something so fucking dumb
@Ghost313 so are you willing to step into a field making barely next to nothing for your people?

Whens the last time you went to the hood and delivered hot plates to the poor/homeless? whens the last time you did community work? fuck it just talked, checked up on Black folks in the ghettos and projects around your way?

what are you doing at this very moment to uplift those that look like you?

not a goddamn thing
I want yall to understand that I do a lot of community work and I dont hate Black people, at all. In fact, I changed my degree and even took a pay cut to enter into a field that will allow me to help change predominately Black communities along the east coast.

I think yall keep thinking my critiques are Anti-Black which is rubbing me the wrong way.
I loveeeeeeeeeee Black people. I champion for us. I try to lift us up and empower us but I would be a fool to only focus on the postive aspects of Blackness without critiquing and speaking about the ills within our communities

like domestic violence or anti-LGBTQIA ideas and/or colorism or sexual abuse etc

Calling me Uncle Rukus is so offbase and disrespectful, you dont know me at all and if you did know me fr fr you wouldnt even think to say something so fucking dumb
Let me apologize for the Uncle Ruckus statement made.

I was in the Black men Killing Black women thread, and in this thread and some of the things you posted seemed kinda Alt Right To me, maybe I was buggin.

I have always addressed you respectfully as with anyone here. I won't type something I can't say to your face, not in my DNA.

I recognize your passion for a good debate, and applaud your efforts in our community. Nothing but Love and Respect @Race Jones .
@Ghost313 so are you willing to step into a field making barely next to nothing for your people?

Whens the last time you went to the hood and delivered hot plates to the poor/homeless? whens the last time you did community work? fuck it just talked, checked up on Black folks in the ghettos and projects around your way?

what are you doing at this very moment to uplift those that look like you?

not a goddamn thing
We dont know each other irl, but I do more than hand out food. I will not slight what you do. Nor will I brag on what I do and have done.

Once more, I respect you and will leave it there.
Yo! I wanna mollywop these two white bitches on this plane. They won’t stfu laughing. She snorting and screaming and shit.
We dont know each other irl, but I do more than hand out food. I will not slight what you do. Nor will I brag on what I do and have done.

Once more, I respect you and will leave it there.

I do more than hand out food, thats the bare minimum.

I also wrote this before your previous post.

sorry for my aggressiveness love
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