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The best is when you roast someone so bad that he want to fight you because you got his own circle laughing at him
Naw the best is when their girl and her girls don't like you now and they don't even know why
The best is when you roast someone so bad that he want to fight you because you got his own circle laughing at him

c/s......another thing that cracks me up is when the roastee gets mad and wants to fight the person on the sideline that repeats everything the roaster says....shits hilarious:

this nigga built like a microwaved bake potato
damn fam.....he said this nigga built like a microwaved baked potato.....hahahaha

its Friday, but you wore that same shirt on Monday and Wednesday too
damn fam....he said this nigga wore that shirt on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

cot damn.....your head big as fuck fam......ole Great Gazoo from Flintsones looking ass
oh shit....he said this nigga look like Gazoo......hello dum dum.....cot damn
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We got a couple of specials going on in the daily lottery today:

Every bet you place earns you a free bet of equal or lessor value. In addition to this, the poster who picks a number closest the winning digits will earn a payout of $300 for every dollar bet.

Tomorrow I will be holding a special lottery as well for everyone who placed a bet this week, with the grand prize being 25% of the total amount bet this week.

Get in on the action here:

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