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@Black_Samson aka jamel aka black salmon aka giant with dwarfism

jamel was an army cook.. his specialty was a grilled cheese sandwich
jamel had a mattress where he slaughtered dogs
jamel once almost fought a 12 yr old white kid cause he came trick or treatin dressed as trayvon martin wearing blackface, he later became his boxing mentor
jamel's wife is mexican, he calls her nacho cheese (racist alert)
jamel once threatened stew on camera with a gun
jamel once helped a woman in the streets who was being abused by her husband, only for the woman to start attacking jamel

cain lives in an all white neighborhood, he feels at home
cain invented alzheimer, he cant remember
cain is fluent in english
cain's wife divorced him because he barks at old white people at walmart
cain's hobby is fistfighting jamaicans in the streets
cain got his first refrigerator tattoo'd on his upper arm
@5th Letter aka jamacia(lol) aka i steal towels

jamacia prefers to do squats in a cucumber field
jamacia wants to remove the letter G from Black An(g)us beef cause the G aint in him
jamacia's best accomplishment is being a website moderator, his 2nd best is sharing a boiler room with chasinbundlez
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