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I know this a serious subject but what the hell is the bold?
I was typing fast.
I meant
  1. a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling.
    "she seemed to be a living embodiment of vitality"
    synonyms: personification, incarnation, realization, manifestation, avatar, expression, representation, actualization, symbol, symbolization, materialization; More
    • the representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form.
Riley is a fictional character.. My son is like a real life Riley at times
he getting a box of charcoal...foh....

i bought him shit, but he ain't getting it....

we aint even putting a tree or lights up...

his goal this week was to buy back christmas....

we set up a whole new system for him where he can earn up to 7 stickers a day.....

he got like 16 last week.....

i told him 25 this week, he can buy back christmas......that's atleast 5 a day...which means he has to try hard...

man this nigga ain't get through first period before he throwing shoes n shit across the classroom...

a box of fucking coal

like the shit frustrating from every fucking angle...

the school convinced something wrong with the boy.....like they dead set he's messed u in the head...

the emergency room cleared him....mentally and psychiatrically , his therapist cleared him....his last session was yesterday, she dont wanna see him no more....

both doctors said he's very intelligent, very polite, very articulate, he has no signs of adhd, he can sit still and color out of an adult coloring book (adult) for over an hour and not budge....

he can put together 100 piece puzzles and not stop or ask for help....

i know this, cuz this is how they test certain shit, they give him shit to do....
alone... dude focus when he's interested is amazing....

he's just a jerk...and he has a very low tolerance for people fucking with him....

a lot like me, but i know how to bite my tongue, and cool out and get shit done even when i'm irritated...

he doesn't...
once he's mad.. he feels as if rules don't apply to him...and he rages out

i know i joke on here a lot, but i don't shout a lot at home, nor do i hit anyone....he's not around that kinda shit at home....so to see it at school is alarming.

he doesn't fight us, or challenges us... he may cry and have a mini temper tantrum like normal 6 year olds.... but we're never overwhelmed....

he just gets to school and acts like he a fucking psychopath...

the principal is convinced he's a danger to himself and everyone around him... so everytime they have an issues with him they're calling me.....

which is why i'm ever hardly at work, i'm always up the fucking school...

shit's a problem...cuz i can't be there all day... my job may be laid back... but it's still a fucking job... i still have to hold the shit down in some fashion,...shit....

shit's jsut a whole lot... i left a lot out cuz it's a WHOLE lot..... but yea, i've been bugging lately....

no fucking christmas.....no tree, no lights... no toys...our house dark as fuck right now, and im scrooging like a motherfcker

I support this parental decision.

like for example.....

my son gets into a fight with some kid at school..

the principal tells the parents our son violently attacked their kid and they should press charges...

the fuckign teacher said the two boys are fucking friends and they just got into a disruptive pushing match,, and of course my kid turns into the fucking hulk when he gets pushed, and can't let shit go...

i talked to the dad that day...cooled shit over with him....
wife talks to the mom....cuz the principal put a battery straight in the moms back....

we get passes to shit a lot, so i told the wife to invite the mom and her son out for a play date....

and now this chick all buddy buddy with the wife.....and if any of yall really know my wife....

this is a nightmare for her cuz she's awkward as shit and ain't tryna make no new grown ass adult friends.... but when your kid wolveringing niggaz faces at school n shit... u run outta choices....they done been to bday parties, parks, movies.. him and this kid.....cuz we gotta diffuse shit ourselves, or let the principal run everyone against us....

just this saturday we at bowling with this family... if u coulda saw my and my wife's face....smh....

well i was bored and was taking pics with the baby


Nigga...I wish you would allow an INKLING of doubt cross your mind that she may not be yours. Fucc a fade...I'll come to Bmore and run yo azzz over ON SITE!

My gawd she's light skint version of you! Lol!
how about you tell your son if he cant have something, that means dont ask nobody else for it

just a thought
He know that, and he get check for that. But ya mean, boys will be boys. I was told when I was home alone as a teen, no girls in the house. A nigga had a bitch on the line the minute I felt they was gone for a minute.

First he came home wit a pearl necklace like them shits u see in N.O. My wife and i told him to give that shit back to who ever he got it from. Then he came home one day wit a gold Cuban link. My wife nearly had a heart attack before she confirmed it wasn’t real.

At that point we told that lil nigga don’t ask for or bring home shit from no one else. lil nigga started stashing shit in his desk at school. He a hard headed lil boy but he just a lil boy. School be acting like the nigga pose to have the mentality of a high school student.

Every now and then I gotta yoke that nigga up and have a talk. He be standing there giving me strong eye contact like he would snuff me if he could. Yoooooo..I be dying to snuff that nigga b. I ain’t gone lie

I love his heart tho
Lil nigga does hard head shit, he asked my wife for a bowl of cereal. She said go make it urself..

She sent me this pic


8D5581CC-46A8-4CE3-AA2F-2D2886C5D08D.png What kinda shit is that?

And I KNOW..he know better

871CD981-594C-429F-92E1-192E682E185B.png But boys will be boys
So everyone in ya house walks over ya wife?

Bruh just send her on up to Mrytle Beach for a weekend

No details and no questions, I’m very discreet
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Her problem, and I told her before. Her problem is she’s loud and yells at them so much. That to them, when she’s yelling she’s just talking.

When I yell at them, shit gets real. But I rarely have to yell cause I stern calm voice usually gets them in check. So I only get aggressive wit them when I absolutely have too.

Like my oldest is just like me. When she doesn’t get a good eight hours of sleep. She will lose her shit the next day at school. That dates back to when she was a baby and got expelled from a daycare for “outbursts”.

So I tried being the mature parent and talking through shit wit her. She would act like she hear me and then black out in school again. The very last try I gave her, I took away tv, YouTube, minecraft and gave her a early bed time.

Very next day she went to school and blacked out. Teacher called me, I dropped everything and went to the school and picked her up. We got home and I gave her the aggressive content outside the view of the actual public, that she been asking for.

She been flying straight ever since, so right now I’m tryna give this lil dude the benefit of the doubt. But he got it coming if he don’t relax.
Her problem, and I told her before. Her problem is she’s loud and yells at them so much. That to them, when she’s yelling she’s just talking.

When I yell at them, shit gets real. But I rarely have to yell cause I stern calm voice usually gets them in check. So I only get aggressive wit them when I absolutely have too.

Like my oldest is just like me. When she doesn’t get a good eight hours of sleep. She will lose her shit the next day at school. That dates back to when she was a baby and got expelled from a daycare for “outbursts”.

So I tried being the mature parent and talking through shit wit her. She would act like she hear me and then black out in school again. The very last try I gave her, I took away tv, YouTube, minecraft and gave her a early bed time.

Very next day she went to school and blacked out. Teacher called me, I dropped everything and went to the school and picked her up. We got home and I gave her the aggressive content outside the view of the actual public, that she been asking for.

She been flying straight ever since, so right now I’m tryna give this lil dude the benefit of the doubt. But he got it coming if he don’t relax.
I feel like you taking shots at Du
Tell u what, that old saying that girls mature faster than boys. I never believe that shit till I had a kids. That shit is spot on, my 3 year old sometimes got better sense then my son.

Member one time he got a marble stuck in his nose. I said why the fuck did u put a marble in ur nose.

He hit me wit


Like he was offended that I even ask the question
I ain’t got an appetite. My head is pounding like a mf. I’m sitting in the dark with no tv on. It’s all bothering me.
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