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Let me ask a learned man such as yaself a question;

Now that you know what Hobby Lobby is and having an idea of who AP is, does it make sense he was giddy of the store opening soon?

i think the real question is, what do you have against hobbies?

lets start here
You upset that ppl (or I) seem to think it’s right up ya alley

You probably over it now that you done had ya granola bar but you was upset

For the

Was your father around a lot from 0-18. Yes or no.
If I'm confusing you with someone else my bad.

biological father...no


whats the point you're trying to make here guy
Let me ask a learned man such as yaself a question;

Now that you know what Hobby Lobby is and having an idea of who AP is, does it make sense he was giddy of the store opening soon?
If he is into arts and crafts yes. I can’t question another mans happiness. I personally don’t get giddy. But that is my personality. I think @AP21 is a good person. Yes he reminds me of Carlton Banks or that type of personality but because it is different to some us doesn’t make it wrong. I think I have said it before I respect his ways because I think too many of us get caught up in what we think we have to be instead of who we are. Did I laugh when I found out what it was yes absolutely but the Bretheren is who he is. Now if you had posted excitement over that store I would have fell out of my chair laughing because it is not who you seem to be.
Well I wasn't aware of the last part, I've only seen you mention your pops wasn't there. My fault.
@AP, you see how an authentic apology goes?

I’d think someone as in tune with his feelings as you would know how to do this

I’m giving you an hour to apologize for ya cattiness this morning

You on the clock........
Nah nigga

Start with why you think it’s ok to get sassy with a nigga just because you like a Hobby Lobby

so now im sassy b/c i asked you why you have an issue with me liking that a hobby lobby opened up closer to my home?

when ya'll gon stop with these false narratives?
@AP, you see how an authentic apology goes?

I’d think someone as in tune with his feelings as you would know how to do this

I’m giving you an hour to apologize for ya cattiness this morning

You on the clock........

i appreciate brother @OhMars apology. I believe it to be sincere. It is all good

nah...just admit you have an issue with men that have hobbies outside of video games

I'm ready for November now

My wife is looking at me like I am crazy right now because I am growing my beard out. My hair has been going grey since I was like 29. So now my facial hair pretty much only grows grey. I am early 40’s with a full grey beard.
thank you, I hope this wasn't sarcastic

went for 2 days with like 4 hrs sleep one day, 2 hours sleep the next. it was hell. got back n slept the most beautiful sleep.
it was semi-sarcastic, but i am glad you are well rested

we need more rest in the black community
If he is into arts and crafts yes. I can’t question another mans happiness. I personally don’t get giddy. But that is my personality. I think @AP21 is a good person. Yes he reminds me of Carlton Banks or that type of personality but because it is different to some us doesn’t make it wrong. I think I have said it before I respect his ways because I think too many of us get caught up in what we think we have to be instead of who we are. Did I laugh when I found out what it was yes absolutely but the Bretheren is who he is. Now if you had posted excitement over that store I would have fell out of my chair laughing because it is not who you seem to be.
Two things;

The bold: That’s all I did was laugh. Now let’s see if he cause you insecure.

The underlined: I have never disrespected or even hinted I didn’t respect AP. As a poster or as a man. However that nigga gonna get these jks. He ain’t exempt cause he got thin skin.
so now......

i appreciate......
I can tell how these both start there ain’t apology in there so I won’t bother reading the rest of it

Unless you got an apology coming my way skip past my post b.

You need to learn some damn accountability man. You wrong way to often to be so stubborn and I ain’t giving you a pass no mo
Two things;

The bold: That’s all I did was laugh. Now let’s see if he cause you insecure.

The underlined: I have never disrespected or even hinted I didn’t respect AP. As a poster or as a man. However that nigga gonna get these jks. He ain’t exempt cause he got thin skin.

why you trying to cause division b/t my brethren and I?

Brotha Dread has always found an appreciation for things he was not previously exposed to. I respect that about him.

you otoh, stay with the disrespect to the point I want to punch you like a whack a mole game on site

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