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She have 9 mouths to feed....she stayed with this man when he cheated before because she loved him but now their child is battling cancer and he tryna leave ???? :df:


so you think he leaving cause the child got cancer?
what if Keke was physically abusive? should he stay b/c a child has cancer?
@Kandy, you ever do this??

Yea, you could say that, but the light doesn't come from the oceans like ap said lmao
The ocean is blue (as is pure water) because of selective absorption. Liquid water absorbs preferentially both short wavelength light (UV) and longer wavelength visible and infrared light. If you drop a light sensor that measures the amount of light at different wavelengths into the ocean or into a lake, what you find is that almost all of the UV (280-400nm) and infrared (heat) wavelengths are absorbed.

Of the visible light, the longest visible wavelengths are absorbed most (red-orange, 600-700nm), then the medium-length visible wavelengths (yellow-green, 500-600nm) and last the short visible wavelengths (blue-violet, 400-500nm). This explains why very pure water, without many particles, appears deep blue. It also explains why, as you descend with depth in the ocean and the light has to travel further and further though the water, light will weaken and appear more and more blue (you may notice this diving or when looking at underwater video or pictures).

Particles and dissolved substances, depending on their size and physical properties (including the type of molecular bonds), will scatter or absorb visible light at different wavelengths and actually change the color of the water. Tropical water, which has few particles and very little color-absorbing dissolved substances, appears deep blue.
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