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At what stage do you eat bananas?


7-9 10&11 can go in my corn flakes though.
My firestick randomly refreshed a few days ago, now I gotta re download kodi, it might be for the best tho, I've been using the same build for 2 years now, bout time for a new one.
Everywhere I go they ain't got my size.
The stars are telling me I may not need to buy seven pair of shoes. It's a sign.

Don't go shopping undecided or you will blow money.
@Coon this is perfect to go nominate him for Donkey of the week, which will be chosen tomorrow at 12 central time.

Only one person has been nominated. Get yours in TODAY! Or we just won't have one for the upcoming week.


@Judge_Judah @ChiCity @Mr.Curmudgeon @Joshua Sanchez @Blactivity @Trill Sammie No Relations @Azlyn @Lou Cypher's Step Daughter @Blactivity @Remedy @OhMars @IP360

What gets a person nominated for D.o.W
Everywhere I go they ain't got my size.
The stars are telling me I may not need to buy seven pair of shoes. It's a sign.

Don't go shopping undecided or you will blow money.

You got big feet?
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