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Someone got BNE on camera

Y'all know anybody who eyes change color during different seasons? Girl i know i swear her eyes was green like 2 months ago saw her last week they a full hazel. It's weird but cool.
My granny. Hers change with the color shirt she wears.
Y'all really was posting today... I missed like 300+ posts.....

Fuck y'all was talking about??
My daughter turned 21 today.

She was the beginning of a long line of accomplishments for me and we've been climbing ever since.

Imma still gut punch her though.

I thought about posting a pic, but remembered some of the folks we house on this board and decided against it.
bored...bout to go to sleep

Name: Kandy
Aspiration: Soul Mate: wants to find and live a rewarding life with "The One"!
Personality Traits:
Romantic: These Sims tend to be Flirty and may become Sad if they don't have any Romantic social interactions for a period of time.
Cheerful: These Sims tend to be Happier than other Sims.
Mean: These Sims become Happy when being Mean or Mischievous to other Sims and become Confident after winning a fight.
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