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My daughter turned 21 today.

She was the beginning of a long line of accomplishments for me and we've been climbing ever since.

Imma still gut punch her though.

I thought about posting a pic, but remembered some of the folks we house on this board and decided against it.

21 you say... well Ms. Reesey.... I mean this with the upt most respect.... she single?
I usually have the answers but I'm stumped on this one.
I though I had a successful defense for my nigga last symp thread, and this nigga upgrades to digital stalking/super thirsty sympin. DS Defense has renounced its retainer for our former client AP
After what you said about somebody kid I think you should keep it moving before she go upside your head verbally.

Sir I don't know what you are talking about. I'm a upstanding member of the ABW community. Look at the charitable stuff I did for the community. Who's child did I say something about?
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