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Just kidding. Don't kill me.
I want a cat ugh
Zeus turning into a bull to rape women an shit.

Yea, I wasn't into the more explicit shit, mostly the odyssey, illad etc etc.

These days I like reading about the accounts of the last Greek philosophers of Rome and the stories of apollonius. Its good stuff
Robert Easter Jr is about to give some poor young man the hands of God.
Speaking of weird shit and incest. God destroyed Sodom and Gommora for all the sex and faggotry going on in the city BUT.........if you keep reading after Lot's wife turns back and look at the destruction and turns into a pillar of salt.

Lot's daughters got him drunk and raped him and got pregnant by him. Their kids and his grandkids (and sons and daughters) went on to become builder's of nation's
I seeing these jays quotes shit all over the internet, and it's some of the most basic bars I ever seen. The nigga taking basic aspects of his life that his fans obsess over and just wrote them into entandres, analogies, and metaphors....there's nothing deep about what that nigga sayin...if u an old jayz fan and u find that shit deep...ur a fuckin child b
I always thought it was funny that entire city was destroyed because of sex before marriage and gay niggas. But rapey niggas and incest lol was no big deal

Not to mention that god offered the women of the nations the Israelites has conquered as spoils of war
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