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On another note do y'all think folks are still owed fair fights? Y'all remember in school folks would fight and somebody would say no jumpin. Adults usually don't have reasons to throw hands but I don't think I believe in the pride of a one on one.

No such thing as a fair fight. No bells or refs. Anything goes
On another note do y'all think folks are still owed fair fights? Y'all remember in school folks would fight and somebody would say no jumpin. Adults usually don't have reasons to throw hands but I don't think I believe in the pride of a one on one.

Nah jumpin is still some sucka shit
On another note do y'all think folks are still owed fair fights? Y'all remember in school folks would fight and somebody would say no jumpin. Adults usually don't have reasons to throw hands but I don't think I believe in the pride of a one on one.
Yes and No

I don't condone fighting as an adult because 9/10 you can choose to walk away. And I think if the outcome could determine the end of whatever the conflict is than cool.

HOWEVER, prudence has showed me when adults get washed, they tend to come back for revenge therefore while one on one is cool, weapons should because well....I ain't got time to be throwing punches and trying to wrestle for 3-10 mins
People who tend to talk tough are just all talk. I can't remember the last time I had a fight. I only fight for my money and family. Anything else... pssh I'm to pretty to be fighting
It really ain't. Ain't nan body in here saved a mofo from drowning but hey if they had to....... Lord knows Blacks are the only ones from dying in water that probably shouldn't have been in

Next, how to properly escape from a Polar Bear. Hey you may never have to, but if you find yaself in the Arctic you gonna wish you had learned how to escape........

I've saved two people from drowning.
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