Welcome To aBlackWeb

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Greetings. Please learn and teach your children how to swim. The other part to my weekend swim story was we were the only black people in the pool. Growing up everyone knew how to swim but I find here in the states they don't.

The wife took the kids for their first lesson yesterday
Funny story...I grew up in the projects in my town when I was younger. I guess as community out reach, we used to get bused to the old plantations for summer. We go and learn about how the slaves lived, get boat rides on the water in old boats in gator waters and what not.

Anyway, they had a pool there. I was from new York and where i lived in the Bronx. Wasn't no pools in the bronx. But all my friends from the hood in charleston knew how to swim. Wasn't no pools in our projects so I thought swimming was just so natural shit you knew how to do.

So I took a running head start and cannonballed into the deep end.

:clawd: Sunk straight to the bottom and damn near drowned
i left the house without brushing my teeth... i feel like i got funky mouth
I hate when people say this shit. Humans are land animals we arent born swimming. If you are born on a island then it probably comes more natural because you are frequently in the water.

Even humans are taught how to walk. I just thought it was something every person was taught how to do at a young age.
when it isnt nurtured. swimming is a survival skill n its good to have. tons of the planet is water.
I understand, but how to nurture that when there isnt standing bodies of water in your immediate area.

Can you teach me how to swim please
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