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this passionfruit cheesecake so good

Where did you get that amazing sounding dessert from
A life saving thing is overrated? Even if you believe that (which I hope you don't) I hope you don't share that with your kids who may go on a field trip or at someplace with a pool,lake or ocean and not know how to swim.
Wouldn't be life saving if ppl kept they ass outta water that could drown them b

And yes I tell my kids all the time, swimming is overrated. They'll learn on their own if it's something they into. I don't forbid them from learning. I don't swim and they know that.

If they go on a field trip and have to save someone from drowning I'm suing the shit outta the school and all associated ppl cause my child shouldn't have had to save them at all. That is what teachers and chaperones are for.

Where did you get that amazing sounding dessert from
coffee shop brah. if u know a place with good cheesecake, just get that in a doggy bag then add a thin layer of passionfruit puree to the top. that seems to be what it is
Wouldn't be life saving if ppl kept they ass outta water that could drown them b

And yes I tell my kids all the time, swimming is overrated. They'll learn on their own if it's something they into. I don't forbid them from learning. I don't swim and they know that.

If they go on a field trip and have to save someone from drowning I'm suing the shit outta the school and all associated ppl cause my child shouldn't have had to save them at all. That is what teachers and chaperones are for.
what if ur kids wanna surf or parasail or snorkel or some shit? ur intentionally limiting them
coffee shop brah. if u know a place with good cheesecake, just get that in a doggy bag then add a thin layer of passionfruit puree to the top. that seems to be what it is

what if ur kids wanna surf or parasail or snorkel or some shit? ur intentionally limiting them
How sway???

I don't stop them from swimming or doing anything I don't do. I don't swim. I think it's overrated. If they wanted formal lessons I'd pay for it. I won't be joining them tho because........swimming is overrated
Wouldn't be life saving if ppl kept they ass outta water that could drown them b

And yes I tell my kids all the time, swimming is overrated. They'll learn on their own if it's something they into. I don't forbid them from learning. I don't swim and they know that.

If they go on a field trip and have to save someone from drowning I'm suing the shit outta the school and all associated ppl cause my child shouldn't have had to save them at all. That is what teachers and chaperones are for.
With all do respect. Your children can be around bodies of water and being kids play in it and not knowing how to swim could harm them. You have already made your choice but don't you think as a parent your job is to make your children better than you? Or at least equip them with more knowledge than you. Think of swimming as knowledge. Not necessary in most cases but for that 1 in a million(in your life) time when needed they are equipped.
My instincts are pretty good.... I'm quite sure I could save their life without thinking about it.... But once they're safe, I'd probably panic and die
So are you opposed to them taking lessons? This way they can save you. Pleas save the conversation and no you are not opossed to them learning.
So are you opposed to them taking lessons? This way they can save you. Pleas save the conversation and no you are not opossed to them learning.
Why would I be opposed??

That's fine with me. I just don't like swimming, their mother loves it... They can all go swimming at the beach or pool all day if they want....

I'll just chill back and play video games
My son is 8 and has known how to swim since he was 6. He still can't float on his back for more than 10 seconds lol. But he isn't gonna drown.
With all do respect. Your children can be around bodies of water and being kids play in it and not knowing how to swim could harm them. You have already made your choice but don't you think as a parent your job is to make your children better than you? Or at least equip them with more knowledge than you. Think of swimming as knowledge. Not necessary in most cases but for that 1 in a million(in your life) time when needed they are equipped.
Nah b. Stay ya ass outta the deep end and swimming becomes moot.

One could literally spend their entire lives not learning to swim and be ok. It's not essential unless you make it so
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