They are completely pushing a gay agenda and including every cliche with it
Im sleeping with a tranny but hey im not gay thing...this will be a running issue in several episodes IMO
Yolonda Ross Emmit’s mom is an outstanding MILF
Completely insulting Brandon....he wasnt shit?...He was one of the most upstanding characters on the show
Lala cant cook...go back and look at the big hands preparing the food.
Im still trying to track down the busty woman that officiated the wedding
Im sleeping with a tranny but hey im not gay thing...this will be a running issue in several episodes IMO
Yolonda Ross Emmit’s mom is an outstanding MILF
Completely insulting Brandon....he wasnt shit?...He was one of the most upstanding characters on the show
Lala cant cook...go back and look at the big hands preparing the food.
Im still trying to track down the busty woman that officiated the wedding