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Selective outrage. Niggas say bitch alllll the time on here. But now it's real offensive cuz they mention cardi? Nah man. Energy gotta be consistent
not sure what you mean

but i have a general disdain for dudes who just reference females as bitches all willy nilly anyway

like bitch is in their everyday vocabulary

that bothers me
not sure what you mean

but i have a general disdain for dudes who just reference females as bitches all willy nilly anyway

like bitch is in their everyday vocabulary

that bothers me

What about my post implied "willy nilly" to you? I don't care for the way she talks or carries herself. You can say that doesn't make her a bitch, and that's fair, but that doesn't mean that I just go around calling every woman I see a bitch. I try not to call any that to be honest, but it slipped out this time.
What about my post implied "willy nilly" to you? I don't care for the way she talks or carries herself. You can say that doesn't make her a bitch, and that's fair, but that doesn't mean that I just go around calling every woman I see a bitch. I try not to call any that to be honest, but it slipped out this time.
The fact that you say it slipped is telling

You use that word too loosely when describing women.
The fact that you say it slipped is telling

You use that word too loosely when describing women.

It ain't telling anything. Put your community college psychology degree away. Again, I don't care for Cardi or her demeanor, that's why it slipped in reference to her. Now you're free to say I'm wrong to call her that just because I don't like the way she carries herself, but you're off base trying to claim that I speak about women in general that way. Hell, I can't even remember the last time I called a woman a bitch. Like I said, I tend to try and stay away from doing that even if I think it's true because it doesn't really sound good and I wouldn't want anyone treating my daughters like that.
I would correct your attempt at a diss about a degree in psychology but what would be the point right?

But ok man, you could've gone back and edited your post since it slipped but you didn't.

I didn't accuse you of calling women irl bitches btw,I was speaking specifically about how you reference them in conversation. You could've made your same points without calling her a bitch.

But there's no need to continue this back and forth

Good day sir
would you rather cardi speak like Ti?or speak like she brand new or above her past ratchet ways?
she is stupid and she knows it. and she ain't trying to please anyone or change for anyone.

I give her all the respect in the world for that.

an in her ignorance she is happy.

she may be slow but she ain't trying to act fast.

imma buy her album for my lady to workout to...and imma listen too.
I would correct your attempt at a diss about a degree in psychology but what would be the point right?

But ok man, you could've gone back and edited your post since it slipped but you didn't.

I didn't accuse you of calling women irl bitches btw,I was speaking specifically about how you reference them in conversation. You could've made your same points without calling her a bitch.

But there's no need to continue this back and forth

Good day sir

And you could have stopped using words like "them" when I already pointed out my issue was specifically with Cardi and not as general as you're claiming. So looks like we're both full of shoulda coulda wouldas.

would you rather cardi speak like Ti?or speak like she brand new or above her past ratchet ways?
she is stupid and she knows it. and she ain't trying to please anyone or change for anyone.

I give her all the respect in the world for that.

an in her ignorance she is happy.

she may be slow but she ain't trying to act fast.

imma buy her album for my lady to workout to...and imma listen too.

Bruh, I just want her to speak like she has modicum of class. We really going to act like women are acting brand new if they aren't cussing every 5 seconds and speaking unnecessarily aggressively all at 10 decibels. The chick could be giving condolences for a death in the family and still sound like she's trying to fight. That's cool to ya'll?
And you could have stopped using words like "them" when I already pointed out my issue was specifically with Cardi and not as general as you're claiming. So looks like we're both full of shoulda coulda wouldas.

Bruh, I just want her to speak like she has modicum of class. We really going to act like women are acting brand new if they aren't cussing every 5 seconds and speaking unnecessarily aggressively all at 10 decibels. The chick could be giving condolences for a death in the family and still sound like she's trying to fight. That's cool to ya'll?
This is the silliest hill to die on

I could've sworn English isn't even her first language
Bruh, my issue is not with you calling me out on disparaging Cardi. My problem is you implying that I refer to women in general a certain way just because my feelings and wording towards Cardi are negative. That's some simple minded shit.
Bruh, my issue is not with you calling me out on disparaging Cardi. My problem is you implying that I refer to women in general a certain way just because my feelings and wording towards Cardi are negative. That's some simple minded shit.

you're right, i made a huge assumption
You know one day she may run for president and win.
If it looks like Trump going to win in 2020, she need to wait until 2024. You do not want to be the person that loses to Trump after he's proven to be a presidential fuck up. Ain't no coming back from that.

But if Trump loses support then 2020 may be her year.

Either way, it will be easier to get a black woman elected after a Trump presidency. It's fucked up to say, but we know our country.
If it looks like Trump going to win in 2020, she need to wait until 2024. You do not want to be the person that loses to Trump after he's proven to be a presidential fuck up. Ain't no coming back from that.

But if Trump loses support then 2020 may be her year.

Either way, it will be easier to get a black woman elected after a Trump presidency. It's fucked up to say, but we know our country.

If she gets the nomination, her task will be trying to convince Rust Belt voters from Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania that she is not an elitist out-of-touch California liberal that is married to a white husband. Those previously-mentioned states (and their combined total of 64 electoral votes) went to Trump in 2016.....Hillary would have won with 271 electoral votes if she carried those states.

I don't know what to really think about Kamala Harris. I read about some of the good things she does. Then I read articles about her meeting with some of the super wealthy Clinton money donors. Leaves me wondering how I should view her. I know folks need money to run for office but all money ain't good money. Those people want something for their financial backing. That don't mean she's been bought off either.

I'm just going to keep watching and see how shit plays out.